Hello Chemss!!

Who’s spending this semester break just playing games or relaxing??? 🤔 Instead of being bored, why not prepare yourselves to participate in the UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH PROPOSAL COMPETITION?

This competition is an opportunity for UNDIP students interested in research in the field of:

“Development of Carbon and Bismuth-Based Materials for Various Applications to Support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”

Your proposals will be directly reviewed by our beloved Chemistry Department professors, and the winners will have the chance to undergo coaching towards the PKM stage.

So, what are you waiting for? Check the guidelines here: https://tinyurl.com/PedomanPenulisanURPC

And don’t miss out because registration is only open at: https://tinyurl.com/PendaftaranURPC

Come on, who doesn’t want to join? Register NOW!

#ChemistryDepartmentUNDIP #PKM #DiponegoroUniversity



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