On February 24th, a significant event unfolded within the academic realm of chemistry education as the Physical Chemistry laboratory hosted a comprehensive K3 training session. Aimed primarily at chemistry students, particularly those engaged in the intricacies of the Physical Chemistry lab, the event bore the imprints of scholarly expertise and commitment to safety.

The pivotal roles of Dr. Tri Windarti, M.Si and Prof. Dr. Dwi Hudianti, M.Si, both esteemed faculty members of the Physical Chemistry lab, as speakers underscored the academic rigor and practical wisdom embedded within the session’s discourse. Their insights into safety protocols and practices within laboratory settings illuminated the importance of K3 principles in chemical research and experimentation.

Dr. Rahmat Nuryanto, M.Si, the distinguished head of the Physical Chemistry laboratory, graced the occasion with his welcoming remarks, setting a tone of camaraderie and scholarly pursuit. His address not only encapsulated the significance of the training but also fostered a sense of community among the attending students.

The presence of chemistry students spanning from the cohorts of 2020 to 2023 further enriched the event, signifying a collective commitment to fostering a safe and conducive environment for academic inquiry and scientific exploration.

As the echoes of the K3 training reverberate within the corridors of the Physical Chemistry laboratory, it serves as a testament to the unwavering dedication towards safety and excellence in the pursuit of chemical knowledge. Through such initiatives, the academic community reaffirms its commitment to nurturing responsible practitioners and scholars in the field of chemistry, safeguarding both individuals and the scientific enterprise at large.



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