Undip Strives towards the Best World Class University

Homy Residential Facility for High Motivated Students

Exploring Your Uniqueness With An Excellent Learning Environment

Experiencing Cultural Arts in Diversity

Field Research and Nature Experience

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Berita Terkini

Safety Inductions for Chemistry Student

Safety Inductions for Chemistry Student

Hello chemists 🧪🧫 Are you ready to face the Physical Chemistry Lab Practicum, Integrated Chemistry Practicum, and Research Assignment 2 in the Physical Chemistry Lab? To complete your preparation, the Physical Chemistry Lab of the Chemistry Department will hold a K3...

Monitor Study Progress with SIPADI UNDIP!

Monitor Study Progress with SIPADI UNDIP!

Now, parents of students can easily access information on academic progress, payment history, and student status through SIPADI UNDIP. 🔍 Monitor academic progress anytime and anywhere! ✅ Practical and informative ✅ Secure and integrated Check it out now by scanning...

Layanan Undip

Ejournal Undip

Menerbitkan berbagai jurnal ilmiah yang menyediakan konten dan sumber artikel berkualitas tinggi yang mendorong penemuan dan kemajuan ilmiah paling berdampak di dunia. 

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Perpustakaan Undip memiliki berbagai macam literatur yang mendukung kegiatan pembelajaran, penelitian dan pengabdian (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi).

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Kini orang tua mahasiswa bisa dengan mudah mengakses informasi perkembangan studi, riwayat pembayaran, dan status akademik anak tercinta.

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HALO Undip

Dalam dunia digital, live chat hadir untuk membantu segala hal tentang Undip, akan dengan mudah kamu temukan di ujung jari.

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Penelitian dan Pengabdian Undip

Mengungkap misteri alam dan teknologi dalam eksperimen yang terang. Buku dan jurnal, rekan setia di tangan, Kampus adalah tempat di mana penelitian menjadi nyata.

Pengabdian yang senantiasa menjadi pengaplikasian pengetahuan untuk kebaikan masyarakat. Mengajar, berbagi, serta memberi inspirasi, Universitas adalah tempat pengabdian yang suci.

Lebih Lanjut

Safety Inductions for Chemistry Student

Hello chemists 🧪🧫 Are you ready to face the Physical Chemistry Lab Practicum, Integrated Chemistry Practicum, and Research Assignment 2 in the Physical Chemistry Lab? To complete your preparation, the Physical Chemistry Lab of the Chemistry Department will hold a K3...

PT St Morita Farma and Diponegoro University Collaborate to Create Innovative Cosmetic Products Based on Local Natural Ingredients

PT St Morita Farma, a local cosmetics manufacturer with the brand Euterria, continues to strive to enhance synergy with various parties to create innovative and high-quality beauty products. This time, the company has established a strategic collaboration with...

Monitor Study Progress with SIPADI UNDIP!

Now, parents of students can easily access information on academic progress, payment history, and student status through SIPADI UNDIP. 🔍 Monitor academic progress anytime and anywhere! ✅ Practical and informative ✅ Secure and integrated Check it out now by scanning...

Bulan, Undip Chemistry Student Wins Indonesia Jamu Ambassador 2024

Antonia Anetha Binar Bulan, a chemistry student from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics at Diponegoro University (Undip), has achieved an outstanding accomplishment by winning the title of Indonesia Jamu Ambassador 2024. This fifth-semester student, who enrolled...

Congratulations to Prof. Drs. Pratama Jujur Wibowa, M.Si., Ph.D. on His Appointment as a Professor of Carbon Material Chemistry at Diponegoro University

Semarang, 2024 – Diponegoro University (UNDIP) proudly announces the appointment of one of its finest academics, Prof. Drs. Pratama Jujur Wibowa, M.Si., Ph.D., as a Professor of Carbon Material Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and...


Temukan Kami

Sustainable Development Goals Undip

“Universitas Diponegoro sebagai institusi pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia berkomitmen dalam melaksanakan berbagai program terkait SDGs. Seluruh fakultas, sekolah dan unit lain di Undip telah menyusun program dan kegiatan untuk mencapai 17 tujuan dalam SDGs. Hal ini dalam rangka mendukung komitmen Pemerintah Indonesia dalam mencapai target nasional SDGs.”


Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH., Tembalang, Semarang 50275
Telp : 024 – 7460036
Email : humas[at]live.undip.ac.id



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