Chemical Process Design


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Course Title: Chemical Process Design

MK code: AKM21 546

Credit Weight: 2

Group of Courts: Selected Constitutional Courts

Semester: 6

Prerequisite Course: Energetics



Dra. Linda Suyati, M. Si

Dr. Rahmad Nuryanto, S.Si , M.Si


Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO)

Attitude GLO1-(S8) Internalize academic values, norms, and ethics.
GLO2-(S9) Demonstrate an attitude of responsibility for work in their field of expertise independently.
Knowledge GLO3-(P 1) Mastering the theoretical concepts of structure, properties, changes, kinetics, and energetics of molecules and chemical systems, identification, separation, characterization, transformation, synthesis of micromolecular chemicals, and their application.
GLO 4 -(P 2) Mastering complete operational knowledge of functions, how to operate standard chemical instruments, and analysis of data and information from these instruments
General Skills GLO 5 -(KU2) Able to demonstrate independent, quality, and measurable performance.
GLO 6 -(KU 3) Able to study the implications of the development or implementation of science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values according to their expertise based on scientific principles, procedures, and ethics in order to produce solutions, ideas, designs
GLO 7 -(KU8) Able to carry out the process of self-evaluation of the workgroup under their responsibility and manage to learn independently.
Special skill GLO 8 -(KK 1) Able to produce appropriate conclusions based on the results of identification, analysis, isolation, transformation, and synthesis of chemicals that have been carried out.
GLO 9 -(KK 2) Able to solve science and technology problems in general and straightforward chemical fields such as identification, analysis, isolation, transformation, and synthesis of micro-molecules through the application of knowledge of structure, properties, kinetics, and energetics of molecules and chemical systems, with analysis and synthesis methods in specific chemical fields, as well as the application of relevant technologies


Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

CLO-1 Able to explain and design new substances (GLO1, GLO6)
CLO-2 Able to control sustainable production processes (GLO1, GLO2, GLO3)
CLO-3 Able to apply green chemical industry (GLO1, GLO2, GLO6, GLO8)
CLO-4 Able to explain and design production processes based on chemical principles (GLO1, GLO2, GLO 3, GLO5, GLO7)
CLO-5 Able to design processes for organic and inorganic compounds (GLO1, GLO2, GLO3, GLO6, GLO8)
CLO-6 Able to calculate and design chemical processes based on lab and industrial scales (GLO1, GLO2, GLO4, GLO5, GLO7, GLO 9)
CLO-7 Able to explain and apply drying techniques (GLO1, GLO2, GLO4, GLO5, GLO7, GLO 9)


Course Description

In this course, students learn about Industrial chemical processes, process engineering, and how to design processes based on the principles they have learned. In the discussion and presentation of assignments using discovery learning, cooperative learning, collaborative learning, and problem-based learning/case studies. The hope in the discussion is that there will be cooperative and collaborative communication between students/groups.


Week Expected ability (Sub-CLO) Study Materials/ Learning Materials Learning methods Student Learning Experience Time (minutes) Evaluation
Criteria and Indicators %
1 Sub-CLO 1:

Able to understand (C2), compile (P4), and discuss (A2) the process of producing substances, designing new substances (CLO-1)

College contract

Introduction, substance production process, new substance design

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Students discuss FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

Accuracy of students on explaining (C1) The process of producing substances, the design of new substances 5
2 Sub-CLO 2:

Able to understand

(C2), construct (P4)

and discuss (A2)

process control,


sustainability (CLO-1, CLO- 2)

process control, production sustainability Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Students discuss, presented Task 1 FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

Student accuracy on explaining (C1) process control, production sustainability 5
3 Sub-CLO 3:

Able to understand (C2), compose (P4), and discuss (A2) the principles of “Green Chemistry” ((CLO-1, CLO- 2)

The principles of “Green Chemistry.” Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Students discuss, presenting task2 FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

the accuracy on explaining the principles of “Green Chemistry.” 5
4 Sub-CLO 4:

Able to understand (C2), construct (P4), and discuss (A2) Chemical principles (CLO- 3)

Chemical principles: kinetic, thermodynamic, and structural frameworks Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Students discuss, presenting task3 FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

– accuracy in explaining (C1) Chemical principles

– the accuracy of using the formulation of chemical principles to solve the problems given by the lecturer

5 Sub-CLO 5:

Able to understand (C2), construct (P4), and discuss (A2) the principles of physics CLO- 4)

physical principles Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Students discuss, presenting task 4 FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

– the accuracy of explaining the physical principles

– accuracy in calculating the economic value of the atom and yield to solve the problems given by the lecturer

6 Sub-CLO 6:

Able to understand (C2), build (P4), and discuss (A2) “Batch” Reactor Model and Design (CLO- 3, CLO- 4)

“Batch” Reactor Model and Design Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Students discuss, presenting task 5 FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

the accuracy on explaining the Model and Design of “Batch” Reactors 10
7 Sub-CLO 7:

Able to understand (C2), build (P4), and discuss (A2) “Flow” Reactor Model and Design (CLO- 5)

“Flow” Reactor Model and Design Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Students discuss, exercise, and preparation Midterms FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

explains by the accuracy of the “Flow” Model and Reactor Design 10
8 Midterm exam 1-7 meeting Written exam 90 The truth and completeness of the answers to questions
9 Sub-CLO 8 :

Able to understand (C2), compose (P4), and discuss (A2) organic reactions (substitution, addition, elimination), reaction kinetics categories (CLO- 2, CLO- 3, CLO- 5)

design of organic reactions (substitution, addition, elimination), the category of reaction kinetics Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Students work on practice questions to discuss FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

the accuracy on describing the battery of organic reactions (substitution, addition, elimination), the category of reaction kinetics

-the accuracy of using the formulations given to solve problems about the design of organic reactions and their kinetics

10 Sub-CLO 9 :

Able to understand (C2), construct (P4), and discuss (A2) Basic Materials of Organic Compounds (CLO- 2, CLO- 3, CLO- 5)

Production of Key Organic Compounds Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Students discuss, presenting task 6 FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

Accuracy describes critical ingredients for organic compounds

the accuracy of using the formulations given to solve problems concerning the Key Ingredients of Organic Compounds

11 Sub-CLO 10:

Able to understand (C2), construct (P4), and discuss (A2) designing chemical processes (CLO- 2, CLO- 3, CLO- 5)

designing chemical processes Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Students discuss, present Task 7 FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

the accuracy of describing chemical processes

the accuracy of using the formulas given to solve problems about chemical processes

12 Sub-CLO 11:

Able to understand (C2), construct (P4), and discuss (A2) design electrochemical processes (CLO- 2, CLO- 3, CLO- 5)

design of electrochemical processes Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Students discuss, present Task 8 FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

the accuracy of describing electrochemical processes

the accuracy of using the formulas given to solve problems about electrochemical processes

13 Sub-CLO 12:

Able to understand (C2), construct (P4), and discuss (A2) chemical processes at lab scale CLO- 5, CLO- 6)

laboratory scale chemical processes Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Student discussion, presenting Task 9 FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

the accuracy of describing laboratory-scale chemical processes 5
14 Sub-CLO 13:

Able to understand (C2), construct (P4), and discuss (A2) industrial-scale chemical processes CLO- 5, CLO- 6)

industrial-scale chemical processes Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Students discuss, present Task 10 FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

the accuracy of using the formulas given to solve problems about industrial-scale chemical processes 5
15 Sub-CLO 1 4 :

Able to understand (C2), compose (P4), and discuss (A2) Drying Techniques CLO- 5, CLO- 6)

Drying Techniques: Bernouly’s and Gibbs Laws  

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem-based learning

Students discuss, exercise, and exam preparation for the end of the semester FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

Explain by exactly the Drying Technique

the accuracy of using the formulas given to solve problems about Drying Techniques

The formulas are given to solve problems about lab-scale chemical processes and industry

Accuracy in using formulations that are given to solve the problems of battery materials fuel

16 Final exams Meeting 9-15 Written exam 90 The truth and completeness of the answer to the question
Total Rating 100



  1. Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula, 2014, Physical Chemistry, tenth edition, WH Freeman and Company, New York.
  2. Stefan JR Simons, 2007, Concepts of Chemical Engineering 4 Chemists, The Royal Society of Chemistry, London, UK
  3. Hugo A. Jakobsen, 2008, Chemical Reactor Modeling, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


GLO = Graduate Learning Outcome
CLO = Course Learning Outcomes
FF = Face to Face Learning
ST = Structured tasks
SS = Self Study



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