Sukoharjo (27/07/24) – In Pondok Village, there is no further waste processing. People just collect them and then burn them. Burning waste can produce other toxic substances that cause pollution and health problems in the respiratory tract. Therefore, counseling and assistance activities for waste processing, especially plastic waste, were carried out by one of the KKN students, Saniya Almasa Taqiya (20).
This outreach activity aims to increase public awareness and participation in managing plastic waste more wisely and sustainably. This activity started at 16.00 WIB, attended by PKK (Family Welfare And Empowerment Organization) RT02/RW08 women. The event opened with remarks from the Chairman of the Pondok Village PKK who expressed his appreciation and hope that this program could have a positive impact on the village environment.
In this counseling, Saniya explained material regarding the concept of ecobricks, manufacturing techniques, and their benefits. Ecobricks are a method of utilizing plastic waste by packaging it into plastic bottles until it is solid and can be used for various purposes, such as making chairs, tables, and even simple buildings.
Apart from presenting the material, this activity is also equipped with direct practice sessions. Participants were invited to make ecobricks using used plastic bottles and various types of plastic waste that had been collected. The enthusiasm of the residents looked very high, especially when they started filling bottles with plastic pieces, accompanied by members of the KKN team.
The activity ended with a question and answer session, where the public was given the opportunity to ask questions about ecobricks and plastic waste management. Saniya also provided several examples of ecobricks that had been completed and gave a guidebook for making ecobricks for residents to use as references.
With this activity, Saniya hoped that Pondok Village can become an example for other villages in terms of innovative and sustainable plastic waste management.
Author: Saniya Almasa Taqiya/24030121140121
Collage Major: Chemistry
DPL: Dr. Asep Muhammad Samsudin, ST, MT
Location: Desa Pondok, Kecamatan Grogol, Kabupaten Sukoharjo