Analytical Chemical Research Engineering (TPKA)


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Course Title: Analytical Chemical Research Engineering (TPKA)

MK code: AKM21 462

Credit Weight: 2

Group of Courts: elective

Semester: 6

Prerequisite Course: KAI2


Didik Setiyo W., S.Si., M.Si.,

Dr. Retno Ariadi L., M.Si


Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO)

  Attitude GLO1-(S9) Demonstrate an attitude of responsibility for work in their field of expertise independently.
Knowledge GLO2-(PP1) Mastering the theoretical concepts of structure, properties, changes, kinetics, and energetics of molecules and chemical systems, identification, separation, characterization, transformation, synthesis of micromolecular chemicals and their application
General Skills GLO3-(KU1) Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of the development or implementation of science and technology that pays attention to and uses humanities values by their field of expertise
GLO4-(KU2) Able to demonstrate independent, quality, and measurable performance
GLO5-(KU5) Able to make decisions regularly in the context of solving problems in their area of expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis
Special skill GLO6-(KK2) Able to solve science and technology problems in general and straightforward chemical fields such as identification, analysis, isolation, transformation, and synthesis of micromolecules through the application of knowledge of structure, properties, kinetics, and energetics of molecules and chemical systems, with analytical and synthesis methods in the field-specific chemistry, as well as the application of relevant technology


Course Description

In this course, students learn about Industrial chemical processes, process engineering, and how to design processes based on the principles they have learned. In the discussion and presentation of assignments using discovery learningcooperative learningcollaborative learning, and problem-based learning/case studies. The hope in the discussion is that there will be cooperative and collaborative communication between students/groups.

Week Expected ability (Sub-CLO) Study Materials/ Learning Materials Learning methods Student Learning Experience Time (minutes) Evaluation
Criteria and Indicators %
1 Sub-CLO 1:

Able to understand (C2), the breadth of the scope of the analytical chemistry field correctly at least 80%

Introduction to Analytical Research Techniques: Spectrometric approach, Electrometric approach, Membrane separation, Adsorption separation Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Students discuss FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

Truth in answering interrogative questions
2-3 Sub-CLO 2:

Able to understand

(C2), with a stoichiometric count how to properly prepare a solution as needed at least 80%)

Solution Preparation Technique: Weighing technique, Solid dissolution, Liquid dissolving, Solution dilution, Preparation of working solution, Solution dilution, Solution storage and standardization Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Students discuss, presented Task 1 FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

Presentation student, Stoichiometric calculations 5
4 Sub-CLO 3:

Able to understand (C2), compose (P4), and discuss (A2) the principles of “Green Chemistry” ((CLO-1, CLO- 2)

Sample and standard solution: Solid, liquid and gas samples, Representative sampling strategy, Spiking technique, Calibration chart technique, Standard addition technique, Internal standard technique Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Students discuss, presenting task2 FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

Working Paper

The answer to the question is correct

5-7 Sub-CLO 4:

Students can rationalize (C4) spectrometric experiment strategies and can manage data (A4 and P5) according to the method needed, correctly at least 80%

Spectrometric measurement technique: Quantitative review of measurement: Lambert-Beer law, Various measurement applications

spectrometry, Approach selection, Valid data acquisition strategy, Data evaluation

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Students discuss, presenting task3 FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

Presentation student, Accuracy in argument 5
8 Midterm exam Written exam 90 The truth and completeness of the answer to the question 37,5
9-10 Sub-CLO 5:

Students can rationalize (C4) electrochemical experimenting strategies and be able to manage data (A4 and P5) according to the needs of the method used, correctly at least 80%

Teknik implementasi proses

Elektrolisis: Basic principles of the process, Application of electricity in redox processes, Determination of Work Potential, Electrolysis at a particular potential, Process monitoring, and data presentation

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Students discuss, presenting task 4 FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

accuracy in argument 2,5
11-12 Sub-CLO 6:

Students can rationalize (C4) electrochemical experimenting strategies and be able to manage data (A4 and P5) according to the needs of the method used, correctly at least 80%

Techniques Implementing membrane separation: Introduction of membranes, Basic principles of separation processes, Strategies for improving membrane function, Membrane testing techniques, Membrane application techniques, Data presentation techniques Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Students discuss, presenting task 5 FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

accuracy in argument 5
13-14 Sub-CLO 7:

Students can rationalize (C4) electrochemical experimenting strategies and be able to manage data (A4 and P5) according to the needs of the method used, correctly at least 80%

dsorption Separation Implementation Techniques: Introduction of adsorption method, Basic principle of separation process, Strategy to improve adsorbent function, Adsorbent testing technique, Adsorbent application technique, Data presentation technique Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Students discuss, exercise, and preparation Midterms FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

accuracy in argument 5
15 Sub-CLO 8 :

Students can detail (C4) various other methods and correctly manipulate (P2) related details at least 80%

Miscellaneous approach: Thermal approach, conductometric approach, chromatographic approach, voltammetric approach Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Students work on practice questions to discuss FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

Active in discussion
16 Final exams Written exam 90 The truth and completeness of the answer to the question 37,5
Total Rating 100



  1. Skoog, D.A. 1985, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, edisi ke-3, Saunders College Pub., Philadelphia
  2. Hashwell, S.J.(editor), 1991, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry: Theory, Design and Applicatio , Elsevier, Amsterdam


GLO = Graduate Learning Outcome
CLO = Course Learning Outcomes
FF = Face to Face Learning
ST = Structured tasks
SS = Self Study



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