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Course Title: Reaction Kinetics (KRX)

MK code: AKM21 351

Credit Weight: 3

Group of Courts: Compulsory

Semester: 5

Prerequisite Course: KD2,MD2, FD2



Dra. Arnellli, MS

Yayuk Astuti, Ssi., Ph.D


Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO)

  Attitude GLO1-(S9) Demonstrate an attitude of being responsible for work in the field of expertise independently
Knowledge GLO2-(PP1) Mastering the theoretical concepts of structure, properties, changes, kinetics, and energetics of molecules and chemical systems, identification, separation, characterization, transformation, synthesis of micromolecular chemicals, and their application
General Skills GLO3-(KU1) Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the development or implementation of science and technology that pays attention to and uses humanities values by their field of expertise
GLO4-(KU2) Able to demonstrate independent, quality, and measurable performance
Special Skills GLO5-(KK2) Able to solve science and technology problems in general and straightforward chemical fields such as identification, analysis, isolation, transformation, and synthesis of micro-molecules through the application of knowledge of structure, properties, kinetics, and energetics of molecules and chemical systems, with analytical methods and synthesis in specific chemical fields, as well as the application of relevant technologies


Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

CLO-1 Able to describe the properties of gas transport, including phenomenal equations and transport parameters
CLO-2 Able to explain the basic principles of coefficient of viscosity, electrical conductivity and ion mobility in a solution system which is summarized in Molecular motion in a liquid
CLO-3 Able to explain the nature of diffusion in a solution, including thermodynamics review and diffusion equations
CLO-4 Able to relate diffusion and chemical reactions and determine the effect of diffusion on reaction rates
CLO-5 Able to determine the rate law of simple reactions, both differential and integral rate laws
CLO-6 Able to determine reaction order and reaction rate constant with various methods
CLO-7 Able to write Arrhenius equations, explain the effect of temperature on reaction rates, and calculate Arrhenius parameters
CLO-8 Able to explain elementary reactions and reaction mechanisms including reactions including elementary reactions and polymerization reactions


Course Description

This course examines the basics of kinetics and reaction mechanisms in the gas phase and liquid phase. Several parameters that directly affect the reaction rate are also discussed, such as activation energy, transport properties in both gas and liquid systems.


Week Expected ability (Sub-CLO) Study Materials/ Learning Materials Learning methods Student Learning Experience Time (minutes) Evaluation
Criteria and Indicators %
1 Students can decipher the formal equations to explain the properties of transport in gases. Transport in gas: a. Fomenal equation Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

explain material flux, momentum flux, energy flux, and concentration gradient, velocity gradient, and temperature gradient FF: 1 x (3 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(3 x 50”) +

(3 x 60”)]

accurately describes the flux of matter, momentum, energy and concentration gradients, velocity gradients, and temperature gradients


the activeness of students in solving problems and assignments correctly

2 Students can explain transport parameters in gas. Transport in gas: b. Transport parameters Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

calculate the coefficient of viscosity, diffusion, and thermal conductivity of a gas FF: 1 x (3 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(3 x 50”) +

(3 x 60”)]

the accuracy of calculating the coefficient of viscosity, diffusion, and thermal conductivity of a gas


the activeness of students in solving problems and assignments correctly

3 Students can explain the basic principles of viscosity and diffusion symptoms in solution systems The motion of molecules in a liquid: a. Viscosity and diffusion in fluids and electrolyte solutions Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

calculate viscosity and diffusion coefficients in electronic liquids and solutions FF: 1 x (3 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(3 x 50”) +

(3 x 60”)]

the precision of calculating viscosity coefficients in liquids and electronic solutions 10
4 Students can explain the nature of electrical conductivity in solutions. Molecular motion in liquid: b. Ion mobility Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

determine the mobility of ions in solution FF: 1 x (3 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(3 x 50”) +

(3 x 60”)]

Accuracy determines the mobility of ions in the solution.


the activeness of students in solving problems and assignments correctly

5 Students can explain the nature of diffusion in terms of thermodynamics in solution. Diffusion: a. Thermodynamics review Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

use thermodynamics to explain diffusion FF: 1 x (3 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(3 x 50”) +

(3 x 60”)]

the accuracy of using thermodynamics to explain diffusion


the activeness of students in solving problems and assignments correctly

6 Students can use diffusion equations in solutions. Diffusion: b. Diffusion equation Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

calculate the diffusion of the solution FF: 1 x (3 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(3 x 50”) +

(3 x 60”)]

accuracy of calculating the coefficient

solution diffusion


the activeness of students in solving problems and assignments correctly

7 Students can connect diffusion and chemical reactions. Diffusion and reaction Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

determine the effect of diffusion on the rate of reaction FF: 1 x (3 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(3 x 50”) +

(3 x 60”)]

accuracy of explaining the effect of diffusion on the rate of reaction


the activeness of students in solving problems and assignments correctly






Midterm exam Written exam 90 The truth and completeness of the answer to the question
9 Students can determine the rate law of a simple reaction The rate law for a simple reaction: a. Differential rate law Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Determine the differential rate law for a simple reaction with various reaction orders FF: 1 x (3 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(3 x 50”) +

(3 x 60”)]

the accuracy of explaining the differential rate law


the activeness of students in solving problems and assignments correctly

10 Students can integrate the rate law of the reaction from the differential form for simple reactions. The rate law for a simple reaction: b. Integrated rate law Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Interpret the differential rate law and calculate the rate of a reaction FF: 1 x (3 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(3 x 50”) +

(3 x 60”)]

Accuracy of integrating the differential rate law


the activeness of students in solving problems and assignments correctly

11 Students can determine the order of the reaction by various methods. Determination of reaction order and reaction rate constant: a. Determination of reaction order Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

notice the attention and responding to questions FF: 1 x (3 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(3 x 50”) +

(3 x 60”)]

explain the definition of the order of a reaction and determine the order of a reaction by various methods


the activeness of students in solving problems and assignments correctly

12 Students can determine the rate constant of a reaction using various methods. Determination of reaction order and reaction rate constant: b. Determination of reaction rate constant Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

determine the rate constant of the reaction by various methods FF: 1 x (3 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(3 x 50”) +

(3 x 60”)]

the precision of defining reaction rate constants and calculating reaction rate constants of various reaction orders


the activeness of students in solving problems and assignments correctly

13 Students can explain the effect of temperature on the reaction rate and calculate the Arrhenius parameter. Arrhenius equation: a. Effect of temperature on reaction rate Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

explain the effect of temperature on the reaction rate and calculate the reaction rate constant, activation energy, and Arrhenius factor FF: 1 x (3 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(3 x 50”) +

(3 x 60”)]

Accuracy explains the effect of temperature on the reaction rate and calculates the reaction rate constant, activation energy, and Arrhenius factor.


the activeness of students in solving problems and assignments correctly

14 Students can explain elementary reactions and reaction mechanisms. Mechanism of reaction: a. Elementary reactions (unimolecular, bimolecular, thermomolecular) Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Students can explain elementary reactions and describe the reaction steps and determine the reaction rate of a reaction mechanism and determine the reaction rate with a steady-state treatment approach FF: 1 x (3 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(3 x 50”) +

(3 x 60”)]

The accuracy of describing the reaction steps and determining the reaction rate of a reaction mechanism, and determining the reaction rate with a steady-state treatment approach


the activeness of students in solving problems and assignments correctly

15 Students can explain polymerization reactions Applications of Nanomaterials: Health and Pharmaceutical fields Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Determine the rate of reaction of a particular mechanism. FF: 1 x (3 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(3 x 50”) +

(3 x 60”)]

Accuracy determines the reaction rate of a reaction that takes place in several steps.


the activeness of students in solving problems and assignments correctly

16 Final exams Written exam 90 The truth and completeness of the answer to the question



  1. W. Atkins, 2014, Physical Chemistry, London, Oxford University Press
  2. Daniels, Alberty, 1983, Kimia Fisik, Bandung, Erlangga
  3. W. Castellan, 1971, Physical Chemistry, New York, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company


GLO = Graduate Learning Outcome
CLO = Course Learning Outcomes
FF = Face to Face Learning
ST = Structured tasks
SS = Self Study



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