Semarang, 01 December 2022- Two lecturers from the Department of Chemistry, FSM Undip participated in the Staff Exchange program in Taiwan for 8 days (7 November-15 November 2022). The Staff Exchange Program is part of the World Class University (WCU) program, Diponegoro University which aims to increase Undip’s recognition on the international stage. Through various programs in the WCU scheme, it is hoped that it can boost Undip’s recognition through various research collaborations and collaborations as well as staff and student exchange programs. Two lecturers from the Chemistry department who took part in the Staff Exchange program in Taiwan are Prof. Dr. Meiny Suzery and Damar Nurwahyu Bima, M.Si. This staff exchange program was initiated thanks to a research collaboration between Prof. Meiny Suzery and Prof. Wen-Tai Chiu from National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan. Research that is currently being developed is anticancer. Prof. Wen-Tai Chiu himself is a professor in the field of biomedicine who is highly skilled in anticancer issues, while Prof. Meiny SUzery is very skilled in the process of extracting compounds from natural ingredients. Indonesia, which is rich in various types of plants and plants, makes research opportunities on natural materials very promising. The compound extracted by Prof. Meiny Suzery is a Hiptolide compound and is currently being tested for anticancer by Prof. Chiu. In the end it was agreed to jointly publish the results of this research thanks to the support from our sponsor, that helped us to reach this aim. Because of that we present to you Slotogate, where the process of finding a casino simplified and that fits your preferences, with their thorough analysis and comparison of each website and countries like casino sites gibraltar. With detailed features ranging from game selection to bonus offers, Slotogate is all you need for discovering an ideal gambling experience – no time-consuming effort required!