Seven academics from Diponegoro University attend QS India Summit 2023. One of the academic is lecture from Chemistry Departement Dr. Yayuk Astuti, Ph.D (middle). The others are Dr. Dessy Ariyanti (Vice Chairman of the Ranking Office, Chemical Engineering), Muhammad Arfan, ST, MT (Electrical Engineering Department), Prof. Denny N Sugiyanti, MSi (Chairman of World Class Unversity / Oceanography Department), Dr. Diana Nur Afifah (Nutrition Department), Dr. M Albaari (Food Science and Technology Department), Dr. Yayuk Astuti (Chemistry Department), Prof. Ambariyanto (Vice Rector 4). QS Summit is annual event that brings together academics, policymakers, and industry leaders from across G20 nations. The 2023 edition of the summit promises to be an exciting event and the role that technology will play in shaping it. The theme for the 2023 QS India Summit is “Reimagining Higher Education in the Digital Age.” The summit is explore how technology is transforming the way we learn and work, and how higher education institutions can adapt to these changes to better serve their students and prepare them for the future. The event features a series of keynote speeches, panel discussions, and interactive sessions that provide insights into the latest trends and innovations in higher education. Another interesting event is open booth sponsorship Diponegoro University to international. In that event, QS participant exchange information about research colaboration, academics and public service. The summit is explore the opportunities and challenges presented by the digital age, and the ways in which higher education institutions can adapt to these changes to better serve their students and prepare them for the future.



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