Semarang, 10 June, 2024 – Students from Diponegoro University (UNDIP) have achieved remarkable success on the international stage. A delegation of students from the Chemistry Study Program at UNDIP won the gold medal at the World Young Inventors Exhibition (WYIE) 2024, held from May 16-18, 2024, at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC) in Malaysia. This competition, organized by the Asian Caucus of Invention Associations (ACIA), attracted inventors from around the world, including those from universities, research institutions, individual inventors, and companies.

🎉 Congratulations! 🎉

Kudos to Bryant Andhika Prayoga (Chemistry), Alexander Juan Radhitya Rubikso Putra (Chemistry), Katarina Aletta Sahara, Sonia Dini Safitri (Nutrition), Hanif El-Rasyid, and Rayyan Nanda Syalya Lagilote (Business Administration) for representing UNDIP at the World Young Inventors Exhibition in Malaysia and winning the gold medal with their innovative Rinse-Free Emergency Soap! 🏅🌟

Your dedication and hard work have brought pride to UNDIP and showcased the brilliance of Indonesian students on the international stage. 🌍✨


In this rapidly developing era of globalization, progress in science and technology is crucial. As a developing country, Indonesia must continuously strive to keep pace to avoid falling further behind developed nations. Students, as agents of change, play a vital role in contributing innovative solutions to various life problems. Participation in international scientific competitions like WYIE provides students with opportunities to gain insights and innovations that can benefit Indonesia.

WYIE 2024 presents a golden opportunity for students to channel their innovations in science and technology. This competition is the perfect medium for publishing solutions to life problems they propose. The success of UNDIP Chemistry students in winning the gold medal at this event is expected to enhance the visibility of Indonesian higher education on the international stage.


  1. Active Contribution: Serve as a solution-oriented agent to solve problems by creating innovations in technology and science.
  2. Global Participation: Actively participate in the global learning environment and understand global issues.
  3. Building Relationships: Establish good relations with other countries through education, especially in research.
  4. University Promotion: Position Diponegoro University as a research university capable of providing solutions to both domestic and international problems.

The Award-Winning Innovation

The UNDIP Chemistry student team won the gold medal with their innovative, sustainable personal care product, especially designed for travelers. This innovation is a spray soap with multiple benefits, such as being rinse-free, antibacterial, and containing sunscreen and skin-brightening properties. The main ingredients are extracted and fermented BR25 cocoa pods (Theobroma cacao L.) and lemon basil (Ocimum basilicum L.).

Research Details

  • Main Ingredients: BR25 cocoa pods and lemon basil, which possess natural antimicrobial properties and high antioxidant content.
  • Product Functionality: This spray soap includes sunscreen with SPF 53.4, providing protection from 97% of UVB radiation for 8 hours, and has a neutral pH of 7, making it safe for the skin.
  • Eco-Friendly Packaging: The packaging is designed with biodegradable plastic made from seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii) and dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus), supporting a circular economy and reducing plastic pollution.
  • Optimization Method: Chemical formulation is optimized through Response Surface Methodology (RSM).

This research combines natural ingredients, advanced optimization techniques, and eco-friendly packaging to create an ideal personal care solution for travelers. The results of this study not only won the gold medal but also hold promise for promoting sustainable practices in the cosmetics industry and meeting the increasing demand for environmentally friendly products.


With the achievement of winning the gold medal at WYIE 2024, UNDIP Chemistry students are expected to not only bring pride to their alma mater and Indonesia but also make a tangible contribution to the development of sustainable innovations beneficial to the global community. This success demonstrates that Indonesian students can compete and excel on the international stage, bringing innovative solutions to global problems.



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