Prof. Dr. Bambang Cahyono, MS

Bambang Cahyono

M.S Dr. Prof.


Google Scholar
ID Scopus: 57200169942



Bandung Institute of Technology, 1982-1987

Analysis of Toksoflavin by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Supervisor: Prof. Soekeni Soedigdo



Bandung Institute of Technology, 1987-1989

Hypochlorination of Cinnamic Acid

Supervisor: Prof. Soekeni Soedigdo



Ecole Nationale de Chimie a Montpellier (ENSCM), France, 1994-1997

Demethylation of ammonium salts by Lithium diphenilpospide

Supervisor: Prof H.J Cristau & Dr.  Francoise Plenat


Research Projects

No Research Projects Year Budget (Rp.) Source of Funds
1 Eksplorasi Potensi Hyptolida Isolat Tanaman Hyptis pectinata Sebagai Anti-kanker Bertarget Populasi Sel Punca Kanker Payudara (Breast Cancer Stem Cells) 2021-2023 700.000.000 PDUPT


2 Hisperidin sebagai obat COVID 19 2019-2020 120.000.000 Applied Research

Internal Universities-Internal

3 Pengembangan Obat Bahan Alam Antimalaria Baru Dari Tanaman Hyptis Pectinata 2019-2020 250.000.000 PTUPT


4 Modifikasi Keratin dari Bulu Itik Sebagai Filter Logam Berat pada Pengolahan Limbah Air Asam Tambang Batubara 2019-2020 300.000.000 PPS-PDD


5 Produksi antosianin dari kelopak bunga rosela (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) sebagai antioksidan dengan stabilitas tinggi 2019 60.000.000 Basic Research

Internal Universities-Internal

6 Mie Sehat dengan Substitusi Tepung Mocaf dan Fortifikasi Spirulina untuk Diversifikasi Produk 2019 60.000.000 Applied Research

Internal Universities-Internal

7 Pengolahan Limbah Padat Industri Geothermal menjadi Katalis Nano yang berpotensi dalam sintesis Biohidrogen 2018-2020 250.000.000 PTUPT


8 Screening Phytochemistry terhadap Tanaman Lokal Indonesia dan Prospeknya sebagai Herba Antioksidan 2018 20.000.000 Basic Research

Internal Universities-Internal

9 Pengembangan Proses Pengolahan Tanaman Jahe menjadi Produk Makanan dan Minuman menuju Proses Zero Waste 2017-2018 200.000.000 PSN Institusi


10 Solid State Fermentation of Methanolic extract Hyptis pectinata Poit using Aspergillus niger 2017 60.000.000 Applied Research

Internal Universities-Internal

11 Reinvestigasi farmakope herbal indonesia dalam penentuan komponen bioaktif dari komoditas terpilih 2017 20.000.000 Applied Research

Internal Universities-Internal

12 Formulasi effervescent dan enkapsulasi pada senyawa bahan alam dengan sifat kimiawi berbeda 2017 60.000.000 Applied Research

Internal Universities-Internal

13 Solid State Fermentation of Methanolic extract Hyptis pectinata Poit using Aspergillus niger 2016 60.000.000 Applied Research

Internal Universities-Internal

14 Formulasi effervescent dan enkapsulasi pada senyawa bahan alam dengan sifat kimiawi berbeda 2016 60.000.000 Applied Research

Internal Universities-Internal

15 Development of New Nutraceutical Fermented Alpina purpurata with Three Different Fungi as an Antioxidant, Antidiabetic, Antiglication and Anticancer 2016 60.000.000 Basic Research

Internal Universities-Internal

16 Anti-Inflammatory and Anticancer Activity of Non-Fermented and Fermented Eucheuma Cottonii From Lombok, Indonesia 2016 150.000.000 PKLN


17 Preclinical Test of Hyptis pectinata Plant Extract as Adjuvant Therapy for Breast Cancer 2016-2015 80.000.000 PSN Institusi




1 Exploring the Capability of Indonesia Natural Medicine Secondary Metabolite as Potential Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 Proteins to Prevent Virulence of COVID-19: In silico and Bioinformatic Approach.

Cahyono B, Amalina ND, Suzery M, Nur Wahyu Bima D. (2021).

Open Access Maced J Med Sci., 9(A):336-42.

2 Ab-Initio Computational Study: The Activation Energy Changes and Steric Effects In Peptide Synthesis Of Ac-AA-NH2 and Ac-AP-NH2

Pratiwi I, Cahyono B, Siahaan P. 2021

Molekul 16 (2), 137-144

3 Citrus sinensis Peels Extract Inhibits Metastasis of Breast Cancer Cells by Targeting the Downregulation Matrix Metalloproteinases-9.

Suzery M, Cahyono B, Amalina ND. (L). 2021

Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 9(B):464-9.

4 Antiplasmodial activity of Hyptis pectinata extract and its analogue against 3D7 Plasmodium falciparum through caseinolytic protease proteolytic (ClpP) inhibition,

Suzery M, Cahyono B, Amalina ND, Budiman C, Bayu I, Asy’ari M, Widayat W. 2021

Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (TJPS). 2021-0001. R1.

5 Physicochemical Changes And Sensory Quality Of Liquid Smoked Milkfish Nuggets.

Swastawati F, Ambariyanto A, Cahyono B, Wijayanti , Chilmawati, Hadiyanto & Baarri. 2021

Afr. J. Food Agric. Nutr. Dev.. 21(5): 18102-18119.

6 Antiproliferative and apoptosis effect of hyptolide from Hyptis pectinata (L.) Poit on human breast cancer cells.

Suzery M, Cahyono B, Amalina ND, (2020)

J App Pharm Sci. 2020; 10(2): 1-6.

7 Encapsulation of Anthocyanin Extract from Roselle Flower (hibiscus sabdariffa l.) with Coating Variations

Oktavi RA, Cahyono B, Suzery M. 2020

Akta Kimindo. 5(2), 86-101.

8 Effects of Temperature and Heating Time on Degradation and Antioxidant Activity of Anthocyanin from Roselle Petals (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.).

Suzery M., Nudin B, Nurwahyu DB, Cahyono, B. (2020).

International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 1(4), 288-238.

9 Mengungkap Potensi Metabolit Sekunder Tanaman Herbal Indonesia untuk Menghentikan Metastasis Kanker Payudara: Pendekatan in-silico

Amalina ND, Suzery M, Cahyono B, Bima DN. 2020.

Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science, 9 (3), 154-159.

10 Geothermal industry waste-derived catalyst for enhanced biohydrogen production

Munfarida S,  Widayat W, Satriadi H, Cahyono B,  Hadiyanto H, Prameswari JPJ, 2020

Chemosphere, Volume 258, 127274, ( )

11 Isotherms And Capacity Adsorption Of Fe(Iii) Onto Duck Feather Modification Using CH3OH And HCl Solution.

Utami U,  Cahyono B. & Susanto H.. (2020).

Rasayan Journal of Chemistry. 13. 2106-2113.

12 The Color Analysis of Noodle Made from Modified Cassava Flour.

Al-Baarri AN, Widayat W, Cahyono B, Nirbaya AB, Khairunnisa U and Pangestika W

IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 518 012041.

13 The characterization of physicochemical, microbiological and sensorial red ginger yogurt during fermentation.

Widayat W, Satriadi H, Cahyono B., Girsang D, Prabandari N. and Dita AS. 2020

Food Research. 4: 1753 – 1757

14 Synthesis and antibacterial activity of epoxide from hyptolide (Hyptis pectinata (L.) Poit) against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria .

Cahyono B, Suzery M, Amalina ND , Wahyudi W, Bima DN. 2020.

J Appl Pharm Sci 10 (12): 013-022.

15 Study of Duck Feather Modification using NaOH to Removal Iron in Acid Mine Drainage (AMD).

Utami UBL,  Heru S, and  Cahyono B. (2020)

E3S Web of Conferences. 202, 0500.

16 Halal Certification and Assistance in the Implementation of the Halal Assurance System for UKM of Yebishu Snack.

Suzery M, Cahyono B, Widayat W, Agustini TW

Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UNDIP 2020 1 (1).

17 Production Process Improvement in Assisting Halal Certification for Culinary Business Associations,”

M. Suzery, W. Widayat, B. Cahyono, and A. N. Al-Baarri, 2020

Indonesia Journal of Halal, 2(2): 53-57.

18 Penentuan Aktivitas Antioksidan Senyawa Kuersetin dan Ekstrak Lengkuas Menggunakan HPLC dan Uv-Vis,

Cahyono B, Prihantini CS, Suzery M, Bima DN. 2020

ALCHEMY, 8 (2), 24-32.

19 Neutralization Acid Mine Drainage (Amd) Using NAOH at PT. Jorong Barutama Grestone, Tanah Laut, South Borneo,

Baroroh U, Utami L, Susanto H, Cahyono B. (2020)

Ind. J. Chem. Anal., 03(01): . 17-2.

20 The Comparison of Spectrophotometric and TLC-Densitometric for DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity Analysis of Three Medicinal Plant Extracts,

Cahyono B, Setyadewi C, Suzery M, Aminin ALN,  (2020)

JKPK (Jurnal Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia), 5 (2): 110-122.                                                                                                                                        

21 Application of filtration and re-distillation of liquid smoke as flavouring agent on texture, proximate and sensory characteristics of milkfish (chanos chanos) fishballs. African

Wijayanti I, Swastawati F, Ambaryanto A, Cahyono B, 2020

Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 20(02):15569-15581.

22 Cytotoxic Activity of Hyptis Pectinate Extracts on MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cells.

Amalina ND, Suzery M, Cahyono B. 2020.

Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention, 11(1): 1-6.

23 The Color Analysis of Noodle Made From Modified Cassava Flour,

Al-Baarri AN, Widayat W, Cahyono B, Nirbaya AB, Khairunnisa U and Pangestika W (2020),

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 518 (1), 012041

24 “Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Screening of Endophytic Fungi Culture Filtrate from Purwoceng (Pimpinella alpina Molk) Leaf,”

Aminin, N. Cahyanti, A. Sari, N. S. Mulyani, and Cahyono B. (2020)

Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi, 23(9) pp. 319-324,

25 Synthesis of Zeolite X Molecular Sieve from Geothermal Solid Waste,

Widayat W,  Hadiyanto H, Satriadi H, Cahyono B, Astuti WIST, Febrianti P, 2019

Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 13, Part 1, 2019, Pages 137-142,

26 Determination of Quercetin and Rutin in Red Galangal Rhizomes (Alpinia purpurata) and White Galangal (Alpinia galanga) with High Performance Liquid Chromatography Method.

Suzery M,  Ningrum AN,  Nudin B, Mulyani NS and  Cahyono B (2019)

IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 292 012064.

27 Total Hyptolide of Indonesian Hyptis pectinata extracts in a various solvent using HPLC and UV-Vis spectroscopy and their toxicities,

M. Suzery, S. Khumairoh, and Cahyono B (2019)

Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 305-309, Nov. 2019.

28 Growth profile of Aspergillus niger on red galangal rhizomes as shown by bioactive compound changes.

Ratnasari R, Cahyono B, Suzery M, Aminin, ALN. (2019).

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 509. 012118.

29 Evaluation on the Composition of three homologous compounds of curcuminoid isolated from temulawak (Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb) growing in central java region, Indonesia.

Cahyono B. Ariani J. Failasufa H. Suzery M. Susanti, and Hadiyanto H. (2019).

Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 12(1): 7-13.

30 Analysis of piperine content in cabe jawa extracts (Piper retrofractum Vahl) using UV spectrophotometry and HPLC,

Cahyono B, Hasanah EF, Judiono J, Suzery M and Widayat W. (2019).

IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 509 012025

31 Alkaloids piperine in dichloromethane fraction of red galangal rizhome ( Alpinia purpurata ).

Suzery M, Resti R, Cahyono B (2019).

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 509. 012076.

32 Ab initio computational study of electronic structure part-1: reaction mechanism of peptide bond formation between amino acid alanine and glycine.

Dzikrullah A. Cahyono B, Marlyn L,  Siahaan, P. (2019).

Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1217. 012053. ,

33 Antioxidant activity and total phenolic content in Red Ginger (Zingiber officinale) based drinks,

Widayat W, Cahyono B., Satriadi H., and Munfarida S., 2018.

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 102, 012025.

34 “Characterizations of milkfish (Chanos chanos) meatballs as effect of nanoencapsulation liquid smoke”,

Swastawati F., Ambaryanto A., Cahyono, B., Wijayanti I.,  Chilmawati D., (2018)

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 116, 012027

35 Study of Rendement of Red Ginger Essential Oil from Red Ginger Waste by Using Steam Distillation Process

Widayat W,  Dita AS,  Cahyono B, Hantoro S, (2018)

E3S Web of Conferences 73, 07002.

36 Changes in the quality characteristics of tuna (Euthynnus affinis) with the traditional smoking method and liquid smoke application.

Swastawati F. Cahyono B. Ima W. (2018).

INFO 19 (2), 55-64

37 Probiotic Use for Growth Improvement, Feed Efficiency, Survival Rate and Nutrition Value of Milkfish (Chanos chanos).

Diana C, Fronthea S. Ima W, Ambaryanto A,  Cahyono B. (2018).

Saintek Perikanan (Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology),  13. 119-125.

38 Characterizations of milkfish (Chanos chanos) meatballs as effect of nanoencapsulation liquid smoke addition

Swastawati F, Ambaryanto A, Cahyono B, Wijayanti1 I and Chilmawati (2018).

IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 116 012027

39 “Encapsulation Rutin with Citosan-NATPP Using Coaservation Method”,

Cahyono B., Suzery M., Hadiyanto H., Pratiwi S.B. 2018.

Reaktor, 17 (4),215-220.

40 “Characteristics of eugenol loaded chitosan-tripolyphosphate particles as affected by initial content of eugenol and their invitro release characteristic”,

Cahyono, B. A’yun Q.,  Suzery M., Hadiyanto H. (2018).

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 349, 012010

41 The Acute Toxicity Test of Methanolic Extract of Hyptis pectinata Poit on Liver Balb/c Mice.

Suzery M, Cahyono B and Astuti P (2017)

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 172 (2017) 012029.

42 IbM Application Of Liquid Smoke Liquid Smoke At The Fish Fueling Center In Wonosari Village, Bonang District, Demak Regency,

Swastawati F, Cahyono B. Wijayanto D. (2017).

Info,  17 (3): 143-165.

43 Ab initio computational study of reaction mechanism of peptide bond formation on HF/6-31G(d,p) level.

Siahaan P.  Lalita MNT, Cahyono B, Laksitorini MD and  Hildayani SZ (2017).

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 172 012040.

44 Antioxidant Activity of Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Bidens Pilosa Leaf L.,”

Sariningsih, R,  Suzery M, and Cahyono B (2016),

Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 83-86, Dec. 2016.

45 Uv-Vis Spectrophotometry Validation for Determination of Curcuminoids in Herbal Products.

Selina Shofia Kumila SS, Widayat W,  Cahyono B (2016).

Seminar Nasional Kimia Dan Pendidikan Kimia VIII “Peningkatan Profesionalisme Pendidik dan Periset Sains Kimia di Era Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA)”, 978-602-73159-1-4


Scientific meeting

No Scientific Meeting Time and Place
1 Trainer ISO 17025 untuk educational laboratory institutions PLP (Nasional) 2020
2 Trainer : How to set up a vision and Mission?  Penyusunan Visi/Misi dan Strategi Sekolah vokasi, 2019
3 Training (TOT) Kurikulum Pendidikan Tinggi di Era Industri 4.0 (Higher Education Curriculum in the Industrial 4.0) Kemenristek Dikti, Jakarta 20-24 Mei 2019
4 Trainer : Curriculum Development 2019
5 Trainer of How to Make Textbook?  Pembuatan Buku Ajar) for UNDIP’s Lecturer 2019-2018
6 Training of ISO 17025 Diponegoro University, 2018-2016
7 Trainer of  Instructional Methode Training Pelatihan Teknik Instruksional (PEKERTI), AA (applied approach)  for  UNDIP’s  lectures or otheruniversities 2020-2017


Community Service

No Year Community Service Activities
1 2017 Process and products Standardization of UMKM
2 2012 Training processing of natural productss for high school teachers and students in Central Java
3 2011 Development Test Laboratory Training for  Central Java Disbun



  1. Best poster presentation in MP3EI by Higher Education (Dikti), 2015
  2. Medal 25 Years (Satya Lencana 25 Tahun) by Rector of Diponegoro University, 2012
  3. Medal 10 Years (Satya Lencana 10 Tahun) by President of the Republic of Indonesia, 2004
  4. Dosen Berprestasi III Diponegoro University, 2006 (Dosen Berprestasi 1 MIPA UNDIP)
  5. Best Research in Basic Research by Higher Education (DIKTI, DP4M), 2002


Professional organization

2016-present, Deputy of Quality Assurance of Laboratorium Terpadu Integrated Laboratory

2016-present, Head of admission and education promotion UNDIP





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