Phytochemicals (FK) 


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Course Title: Phytochemicals (FK)   

MK code: AKM21 345

Credit Weight: 2

Group of Courts: elective

Semester: 6

Prerequisite Course: ES



Dr. Khairul Anam,M.Si

Dra. Dewi Kusrini,M.Si


Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO)

  Attitude GLO1-(S9) Demonstrate an attitude of responsibility for work in their field of expertise independently.
Knowledge GLO2-(PP1) Mastering the theoretical concepts of structure, properties, changes, kinetics, and energetics of molecules and chemical systems, identification, separation, characterization, transformation, synthesis of macromolecular chemicals, and their application.
General Skills GLO3-(KU1) Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of the development or implementation of science and technology that pays attention to and uses humanities values by their field of expertise
GLO4-(KU2) Able to demonstrate independent, quality, and measurable performance.
Special skill GLO5-(KK1) Able to produce appropriate conclusions based on the identification, analysis, isolation, transformation, and synthesis of chemicals that have been carried out.
GLO6-(KK2) Able to solve science and technology problems in general and straightforward chemical fields such as identification, analysis, isolation, transformation, and synthesis of micro-molecules through the application of knowledge of structure, properties, kinetics, and energetics of molecules and chemical systems, with analytical methods and synthesis in specific chemical fields, as well as the application of relevant technologies.
GLO7-(KK3) Able to analyze several alternative solutions in identification, analysis, isolation, transformation, and synthesis of available chemicals and present analysis conclusions for appropriate decision making.


Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

CLO-1 can explain the Role and Dynamics of Pesticides
CLO-2 can explain the classification of pesticides based on how the pesticide enters/works, based on the target organism, based on the level of toxicity
CLO-3 can explain the analysis and handling of the dangers/impacts of using pesticides
CLO-4 can describe the use and formulation of pesticides
CLO-5 capable of exploring and designing materials for pesticides
CLO-6 can determine the qualitative and quantitative tests of pesticides



Course Description

This course study contains diverse secondary metabolite molecular structures (Terpenoids, steroids, alkaloids, flavonoids, coumarins, phenolic acids, saponins, tannins, lignans, and quinones) and their distribution in plants. Phytochemical Screening, Extraction, Fractionation, Purification, Characterization

Week Expected ability (Sub-CLO) Study Materials/ Learning Materials Learning methods Student Learning Experience Time (minutes) Evaluation
Criteria and Indicators %
1 Able to understand (C2). Construct (P4) and discuss (A2) the scope and development of natural compound compounds Preliminary :

– scope

– understanding of phytochemicals

– the history of the development of phytochemicals

– grouping of natural materials

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

listen. Write. Ask. Search.

Collecting and compiling information to describe the scope and history of phytochemical development

FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

Accuracy explains with

correct at least 80%

2 Able to understand (C2). Construct (P4) and discuss (A2) the molecular structure of terpenoids/steroids, alkaloids, flavonoids, and tannins Secondary Metabolite Molecular Structure:

– terpenoids/steroids

– alkaloids

– flavonoids

– tannins

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Group discussion comparing the characteristics & diversity of molecular structures and physicochemical properties of terpenoids/steroids, alkaloids, flavonoids, and tannins FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

The accuracy and ability to master the learning outcomes of each learning stage is at least 80% 10
3 Able to understand (C2). Construct (P4) and discuss (A2) the molecular structure of phenolic acids, lignans, coumarins, quinones, and saponins Secondary Metabolite Molecular Structure:

– phenolic acid

– lignans

– Coumarin

– quinone

– saponins

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Group discussion comparing the characteristics & diversity of molecular structures and physicochemical properties of phenolic acids, lignans, coumarins, quinones, and saponins FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

The accuracy and ability to master the learning outcomes of each learning stage is at least 80% 10
4 Able to understand (C2). Construct (P4) and discuss (A2) isolation strategies. Purification, characterization, and identification of the class of triterpenoid/steroid compounds Triterpenoids/Steroids :

– isolation

– purification

– identification

– characterization

– bioactivity

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Lectures and group discussions to develop strategies for isolation, purification, identification, and characterization of triterpenoid/steroid compounds FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

The accuracy and ability to master the learning outcomes of each learning stage is at least 80% 5
5 Able to understand (C2). Construct (P4) and discuss (A2) isolation strategies. Purification, characterization, and identification of groups of alkaloid compounds alkaloids:

– isolation




– bioactivity

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Lectures and group discussions to develop strategies for isolation, purification, identification, and characterization of triterpenoid/steroid compounds FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

The accuracy and ability to master the learning outcomes of each learning stage is at least 80% 10
6 Able to understand (C2). Construct (P4) and discuss (A2) isolation strategies. Purification, characterization, and identification of phenolic acid compounds Phenolic Acid:

– isolation




– bioactivity

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Lectures and group discussions to develop strategies for isolation, purification, identification, and characterization of phenolic acid compounds FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

The accuracy and ability to master the learning outcomes of each learning stage is at least 80% 5
7 Able to understand (C2). Construct (P4) and discuss (A2) isolation strategies. Purification, characterization, and identification of tannin compounds Tannins:

– isolation




– bioactivity

Problem Based Learning Lectures and group discussions develop strategies for isolation, purification, identification, and characterization of tannin compounds. FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

The accuracy and ability to master the learning outcomes of each learning stage is at least 80%


8 Midterm exam Written exam 90 Truth in solving exam questions 50
9 Able to understand (C2). Construct (P4) and discuss (A2) isolation strategies. Purification, characterization, and identification of flavonoid compounds Flavonoids:

– isolation




– bioactivity

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Lectures and group discussions develop strategies for isolation, purification, identification, and characterization of flavonoid compounds. FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

The accuracy and ability to master the learning outcomes of each learning stage is at least 80% 5
10 Able to understand (C2). Construct (P4) and discuss (A2) isolation strategies. Purification, characterization, and identification of coumarin. compounds Coumarin :

– isolation




– bioactivity

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Lectures and group discussions to develop strategies for isolation, purification, identification, and characterization of coumarin compounds FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

The accuracy and ability to master the learning outcomes of each learning stage is at least 80% 5
11 Able to understand (C2). Construct (P4) and discuss (A2) isolation strategies. Purification, characterization, and identification of Lignan compounds Lignans:

– isolation




– bioactivity

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Lectures and group discussions to develop strategies for isolation, purification, identification, and characterization of lignans compounds FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

The accuracy and ability to master the learning outcomes of each learning stage is at least 80% 10
12 Able to understand (C2). Construct (P4) and discuss (A2) isolation strategies. Purification, characterization, and identification of Saponin compounds



– isolation




– bioactivity

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Lectures and group discussions to develop strategies for isolation, purification, identification, and characterization of Saponin compounds FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

The accuracy and ability to master the learning outcomes of each learning stage is at least 80% 10
13 Able to understand (C2). Construct (P4) and discuss (A2) isolation strategies. Purification, characterization, and identification of Quinone compounds Quinones:

– isolation




– bioactivity

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Lectures and group discussions to develop strategies for isolation, purification, identification, and characterization of quinone compounds FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

The accuracy and ability to master the learning outcomes of each learning stage is at least 80% 10
14 Able to understand (C2). Construct (P4) and discuss (A2) Antidiabetic and antihyperuricemic antimicrobial bioactivity test methods Bioactivity Testing Method (in vitro- in vivo):

– antimicrobial

– antidiabetic

– antihyperuricemia

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

listen. Write. Ask. Search.

Collect and compile information on antimicrobial bioactivity test methods Antidiabetic and antihyperuricemia

FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

The accuracy and ability to master the learning outcomes of each learning stage is at least 80% 5
15 Able to understand (C2). Construct (P4) and discuss (A2) Test methods for cytotoxic analgesic and antioxidant bioactivity Bioactivity Testing Method (in vitro-in vivo):

– analgesic

– cytotoxic

– antioxidant

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

listen. Write. Ask. Search.

Collect and compile information on antimicrobial bioactivity test methods Antidiabetic and antihyperuricemia

FF: 2 x 50

ST: 2 x 60

SS: 2 x 60

The accuracy and ability to master the learning outcomes of each learning stage is at least 80% 5
16 Final exams Written exam 90 The truth and completeness of the answer to the question 50



  1. Cannell, R.J.P, 1998, Natural Products Isolation, Humana Oress, New Jersey
  2. Mann, J., et.el., 1994, Natural Products, John Wiley & Sons, New York
  3. Robinson, T., 1991, The Organic Constituents of Higher Plants, 6th. ed., Cordus Press, North Amherst
  4. Ikan, R., 1991, Natural Products 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego
  5. Geiss F., 1987, Fundamental of TLC, Huthig Verlag, Heidelberg
  6. Harborne, J.B ., 1987, Metode Fitokimia, Penerbit ITB Bandung
  7. Murray, R.D.H., Mendez, J., Brown, S.A., 1982, The natural Coumarins, John Wiley & Sons, New York
  8. Cordell, G.A., 1981, Introductions to Alkaloids, John Wiley & Sons, New York
  9. Mabry, T.J., 1970, The systematics Identification of Flavonoids, Springer-Verlag, New York
  10. Farnsworth, N.R., 1966, Biological and Phytochemical Screening of Plants, J.Pharm. Sci. 66 (3)




GLO = Graduate Learning Outcome

CLO = Course Learning Outcomes

FF = Face to Face Learning

ST = Structured tasks

SS = Self Study



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