Instrumental Analytical Chemistry 1 (KAI 1)


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Course Title: Instrumental Analytical Chemistry 1 (KAI 1)

MK code: AKM21 342

Credit Weight: 2

Group of Courts: Compulsory

Semester: 4

Prerequisite Course: KA2, ENG



Drs. Abdul Haris, M.Si.,

Didik Setiyo W., S.Si., M.Si.,


Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO)

  Attitude GLO1-(S9) Demonstrate an attitude of responsibility for work in their field of expertise independently.
Knowledge GLO2-(PP2) Mastering complete operational knowledge of functions, how to operate standard chemical instruments, as well as analysis of data and information from instruments
General Skills GLO 3 -(KU2) Able to demonstrate independent, quality, and measurable performance
Special Skills GLO 4 -(KK1) Able to generate appropriate conclusions based on the results of the interpretation of chemical analysis that has been carried out.
GLO 5 -(KK3) Mastering complete operational knowledge of functions, how to operate standard chemical instruments, and analysis of data and information from these instruments


Course Learning Outcomes

CLO-1 Students can rationalize (C4) the most suitable instrumental analysis method in solving (C4) problems based on spectrometry and microscopy and can develop/modify (A4) new systems to obtain reliable chemical quantization.


Course Description

This course provides basic instrumental analysis skills and applies them to real-life examples. The basic concepts of spectrometric analysis are given in detail for each. The instrumental approach explained, starting from the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter, the laws that underlie the process, and each instrument’s essential components displayed. The sample preparation technique until the application of spectral interpretation of the data obtained is described to students. The same approach is also introduced on the surface analysis of the sample microscopically.

Week Expected ability (Sub-CLO) Study Materials/ Learning Materials Learning methods Student Learning Experience Time (minutes) Evaluation
Criteria and Indicators %
1 Students can understand (C2) the basic concepts of spectrometric analysis and detail (C3) the phenomenon of the interaction of matter-energy in the application of instrumental analysis correctly at least 80% BK16. Introduction to Spectrometry (PB1)

a. The nature of electromagnetic radiation

b. Interaction of energy and matter

c. The basic laws of spectrometric analysis

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Students listen, take notes and ask questions about the subject

Students respond to feedback in interactive lecture sessions and summarize the conclusions of the interaction

FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

2 Students can understand (C2) component systems and detail (C4) their functions in a complete set of tools correctly at least 80% BK16. Optical spectroscopic instrument system (BP2)

a. Types of optical methods

b. Radiation source

c. Monochromator

d. Sample place

e. Detector

f. Signal processing and reading system

g. Instrumentation system design

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Students listen, take notes and ask questions about the subject

Students are active in group discussions

FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

3 Students can describe (C2) the quantitative formulation of measurement perfectly and relate (C3) with some of the spectrometric methods discussed BK16. Absorption Spectrometry (BP3)

a. Quantitative aspects of absorption measurement

b. A term used in absorption measurement

c. Some absorption spectrometry techniques

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Students listen, take notes and ask questions about the subject

Students practice various quantitative relationships of absorption measurement quantities

FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

The answer to the question is correct 2,5
4 Students can detail (C3) the instrument design system, rationalize (C4) the measurement phenomenon and solve the problem (P4) of mixed samples correctly at least 80% BK16. UV-Vis Spectrometry (BP4)

a. Molar absorptivity

b. Components of UV-Vis spectrometry instrumentation

c. Qualitative and quantitative analysis

d. Analyte mixture analysis

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

small group


Students listen, take notes and ask questions about the subject

Students practice qualitative and quantitative questions both single and mixed samples

FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

5-6 Students can understand (C2) the basic concepts of AAS and atomic transitions, examine (C4), and evaluate (C5) the AAS analysis system correctly at least 80% BK16. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (BP5)

a. Atomic spectroscopy theory

b. Atomization system with flame

c. Flameless atomization system

d. AAS instrumentation system

e. Interference with AAS measurements

f. Analysis Techniques

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

small group


Students listen, take notes and ask questions about the subject

Students actively discussing

Students practice solving analytical problems due to interference and presenting the results of discussions with group presentations.

FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

Activeness in discuss 5
7 Students can describe (C2) the principle of the method and explain the application (A5) of the method in a broader context BK15 and BK16. FTIR Spectroscopy (BP6)

a. Infrared absorption theory

b. FTIR spectroscopic instrument components

c. Sample handling

d. Qualitative and quantitative analysis

e. Spectral regions are essential for analysis by FTIR

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

small group


Problem Based Learning

Students listen, take notes and ask questions about the subject

Students actively discussing

Students practice dealing with real problems in determining functional groups and quantitative sides of FTIR analysis

FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

Activeness in discuss 5


Mid-semester Written exam 90 The truth and completeness of the answer to the question 37,5
9-10 Students can understand (C2) the principle of atomic emission spectroscopy and understand the application of the (P2) method to specific samples BK16. Emission Spectroscopy (BP7)

a. Spectra with high energy sources

b. Plasma emission spectroscopy (ICP)

c. Plasma spectroscopic instrumentation

d. Quantitative analysis with ICP

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Students listen, take notes and ask questions about the subject

Students dissect related international journals

FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

Activeness in discuss 5
11 Students can compare (C2) the application of the surface analysis approach with other methods BK15. Surface Analysis (BP8)

a. Introduction to material characterization

b. Variety of probes on surface analysis

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

small group


Students listen, take notes and ask questions about the subject. FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

Activeness in discuss 5
12-14 Students can take advantage of the application of the (C3) SEM analysis method for samples and correctly predict (C5) the composition of the material surface from the analysis data at least 80% BK15 and 16. Scanning Electron

Microscopy(SEM) (PB9)

a. Introduction to analysis with SEM

b. Instrumentation system on SEM

c. SEM working principle

d. Electron transition in SEM analysis

e. SEM App


Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

small group


Students listen, take notes and ask questions about the subject

Students dissect related international journals

FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

Activeness in discuss 5
15 Students can take advantage of the application of the (C3) TEM analysis method and be able to compare (A4) with the SEM method correctly at least 80% BK15 and BK16. Transmission Electrons

Microscopy(TEM) (PB10)

a. Introduction to analysis with TEM

b. Instrumentation system on TEM

c. TEM working principle

d. Electron transition in TEM analysis

e. TEM app

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

small group


Students listen, take notes and ask questions about the subject

Students practice critically making image comparisons analysis

FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

Activeness in discuss 2,5
16 Final exams Written exam 90 The truth and completeness of the answer to the question 37,5
Total Rating 100



  1. Skoog, D.A. 1985, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, edisi ke-3, Saunders College Pub., Philadelphia
  2. Skoog, D.A., West, D.M., dan Holler, F.J., 1994, Analytical Chemistry: An Introduction, edisi ke-6, Saunders College Pub. , Philadelphia




GLO = Graduate Learning Outcome

CLO = Course Learning Outcomes

FF = Face to Face Learning

ST = Structured tasks

SS = Self Study



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