
The curricula of the Chemistry Undergraduate Programs have been designed such that the educational process is in accordance with professionalism. The procedure for preparing the curricula follows Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, Presidential Regulation Number 8 of 2012 concerning the Indonesia Qualification Framework (KKNI), Decree of the Ministry of Education Number 44 Year 2015 concerning Guidelines for Curriculum Preparation in Higher Education, and Regulation of the Rector of Diponegoro University Number 15 of 2017 concerning Academic Regulations in the Education Sector of Undergraduate Programs at Diponegoro University.

The Chemistry Undergraduate Program also refers to an agreement with HKI. The Chemistry Undergraduate Program develops 5 areas of expertise, namely Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Biochemistry, with a focus on the development of:
(i) Natural Materials and Biomolecules,
(ii) Materials and Processes, and
(iii) Energy Systems and Environment.

The current curricula used in Biology and Chemistry Undergraduate Programs at Diponegoro University are the 2020 curriculum, which is a revised version of the 2017 curriculum. Learning outcomes of Biology and Chemistry graduates are formulated based on input from stakeholders, KKNI level 6, and National Standards of Higher Education(SNPT)

The curricula of the programs use a semester credit system. In this system, each learning activity is assigned a semester credit unit (SKS) which indicates: (i) the size of the students’ study load, (ii) the amount of recognition for the success of students’ effort, (iii) the amount of recognition for the cumulative success of a particular program, and (iv) the amount of effort to provide education for higher education institutions and especially for teaching staff.

One credit of lecture is equivalent to: 1 x 50 minutes of scheduled face-to-face lectures, 1 x 60 minutes of structured activities, and 1 x 60 minutes of independent activities. One credit of practicum is equivalent to: 3 x 60 minutes of scheduled laboratory practicum, 1 x 60 minutes of structured activities, and 1 x 60 minutes of independent activities.

The Chemistry Undergraduate Program at Diponegoro University has implemented a curriculum with 144 credits of courses consisting of 122 credits of compulsory subjects and 22 credits of elective courses that can be completed in 8 semesters. There are 56 compulsory courses and 11 elective courses. Compulsory courses include chemistry, religion, language, entrepreneurship, and community service courses. There are 39 elective courses offered.

In the last two semesters, students must complete Community Service in the form of a Community Service Activity (KKN) and research assignments. The KKN course is mandatory for all students at Diponegoro University and consists of 8 weeks in a rural area where students live together with the local community. This course is designed to enable students to apply the knowledge they have acquired in their field to empower communities. Students work in interdisciplinary teams during Community Service Activities with the goal of greater advancement of society and developments. Diponegoro University is also currently trying to further internationalize its undergraduate programs through conducting classes in English. In the Chemistry Undergraduate Program, there are international classes delivered in English so that foreign students can understand the content of lectures.

The 2020 curriculum document “Kampus Merdeka” can be downloaded here



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