Didik Setiyo Widodo
S.Si, M.Si.
Expert Assistant
Google Scholar
ID Scopus: 57195404137
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 1989-1997
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 1997-2002
Research Projects
No | Research Projects | Year | Budget (Rp.) | Source of Funds |
1 | Elektrokoagulasi Ion Logam dari Limbah Artifisial pada Elektroda Al dan Fe: Teknik Recovery Ion Pb2+ Sebagai Upaya Pemanfatan Kembali Limbah yang Mengandung Ion Logam Berat | 2020 | 30.000.000 | |
2 | Sintesis PbO2 sebagai Kajian Penggunaan Kembali Material Modifier Metode Fenton untuk Destruksi Remazol Black B | 2019 | 20.000.000 | |
3 | Electrosynthesis of Al(OH)3 by Al(s)|KCl(aq)||KCl(s)|C(s) system | 2018 | 20.000.000 | |
4 | Sintesis Elektroda Nanopartikel Fotokatalis TiO2 Termodifikasi Doping Sulfur dan Tembaga serta Aplikasinya pada Pengolahan Limbah Organik dan Logam Berat Secara Simultan Menggunakan Energi Matahari (2nd Year) | 2018 | 45.000.000 | |
5 | Elektrodekolorisasi Limbah Artifisial Batik melalui Pembangkitan Spesies Reaktif Klorin dalam Reaktor yang Efisien | 2017 | 20.000.000 | |
Pemanfaatan Whey Tahu menjadi Energi Listrik melalui Microbial Fuel Cell Konversi Limbah Batik untuk Penyediaan Energi Sistem Sel Galvani |
2017 | 20.000.000 | |
7 | Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Nano-Hidroksiapatit dari Cangkang Telur Ayam dengan Metode Elektrokimia secara Constant Direct Current (CDC) | 2016 | 14.400.000 |
1 | Fe (III) adsorption using Fe (III) ionic imprinted polymer from polyeugenoxy acetate crosslinked with ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA)
MC Djunaidi, AQ Aini, DS Widodo, RA Lusiana, A Suseno Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1943 (1), 012167 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1943/1/012167/meta |
2 | Synthesis of Cu2O from modified Fehling reaction for the preparation of Cu2O thin film photocathode by using the spin coating method, characterization, and its photoelectrochemical properties
RA Lusiana, A Haris, DS Widodo Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1943 (1), 012179 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1943/1/012179/meta |
3 | Synthesis of polysulfone and nitrated polyeugenol based flat imprinted membrane for selective adsorption of gold
MC Djunaidi, SA Kusumaningtyas, DS Widodo, A Harris Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1918 (3), 032007 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1918/3/032007/meta |
4 | Pemisahan Logam Perak Dalam Limbah Cair Menggunakan Membran Cair Emulsi (ELM) Dengan Senyawa Pembawa Sinergi D2EHPA
MC Djunaidi, DS Hadikawuryan, DS Widodo, ND Maharani Greensphere: Journal of Environmental Chemistry 1 (1), 25-30 |
5 | Pengaruh Asam Askorbat Pada Pembuatan Cu2O Dan Aplikasinya Sebagai Lapis Tipis untuk Pemecahan Air Secara Fotoelektrokimia
KL Rahayu, A Haris, G Gunawan, K Khabibi, DS Widodo MEDIA BINA ILMIAH 15 (6), 4681-4690 http://ejurnal.binawakya.or.id/index.php/MBI/article/view/1071 |
6 | Edukasi Pembuatan Hand Sanitizer Berbasis Lidah Buaya pada Masyarakat Desa Harjowinangun, Grobogan
RA Lusiana, DS Widodo, L Suyanti, A Haris Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (JPKM) TABIKPUN 1 (1), 47-54 http://tabikpun.fmipa.unila.ac.id/index.php/jpkm_tp/article/view/19/10 |
7 | Sintesis Lapis Tipis Semikonduktor ZnO-CdS/FTO dan Aplikasinya sebagai Fotodegradasi Limbah Cair Methyl Orange
H Krey, A Haris, DS Widodo, K Khabibi MEDIA BINA ILMIAH 14 (12), 3729-3740 https://ejurnal.binawakya.or.id/index.php/MBI/article/view/789 |
8 | The Effect of Leaching Agent on Molecularly Imprinted Membrane Urea Transport Process Based on Polyeugenoxy Acetic Acid
MC Djunaidi, T Wahyuni, RA Lusiana, DS Widodo IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 959 (1), 012023 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/959/1/012023 |
9 | Gold (Au) Selective Adsorption Using Polyeugenol based Ionic Imprinted Polymer with Ethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate Crosslink
MC Djunaidi, NBA Prasetya, DS Widodo, RA Lusiana, Pardoyo AIP Conference Proceedings 2237 (1), 020057 |
U Dwijayanti, G Gunawan, DS Widodo, A Haris, L Suyati, RA Lusiana Analit: Analytical and Environmental Chemistry 5 (1), 1-14 |
11 | Removal of Pb2+ metal ion using electrolysis system of Fe(s)/NaCl(aq), Pb(NO3)2(aq)//H2O(aq)/C(s)
L Suyati, D Efendi, G Gunawan, A Haris, DS Widodo IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 434 |
12 | Ozonation of methylene blue and its fate study using LC-MS/MS
MA Adelin, G Gunawan, M Nur, A Haris, DS Widodo, L Suyati Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1524 (1), 012079 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1524/1/012079/meta |
13 | Hydrazine And Urea Fueled-Solution Combustion Method For Bi2O3 Synthesis: Characterization Of Physicochemical Properties And Photocatalytic Activity
Y Astuti, PP Elesta, DS Widodo, H Widiyandari, R Balgis Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 15 (1), 104-111 https://ejournal2.undip.ac.id/index.php/bcrec/article/view/5483 |
14 | Effect of Fuels on The Physicochemical Properties and Photocatalytic Activity of Bismuth Oxide, Synthesized Using Solution Combustion Method
Y Astuti, D Amri, DS Widodo, H Widiyandari, R Balgis, T Ogi International Journal of Technology (IJTech) Vol 11, No 1 (2020) |
15 | Studi Sifat Fisikokimia Membran Kitosan Termodifikasi Heparin dan Polietilen Glikol (PEG)
RA Lusiana, DP Rusendi, DS Widodo, A Haris, A Suseno, G Gunawan Analit: Analytical and Environmental Chemistry 4 (2), 1-13 |
16 | Electrosynthesis of Al(OH)3 by Al(s)| KCl(aq)|| KCl(s)| C(s) system
L Suyati, IDF Nur, DS Widodo, WH Rahmanto IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 509 (1), 012066 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/509/1/012066/meta |
17 | Energy Storage System from Galvanic Cell Using Electrolyte from a Plant as an Alternative Renewable Energy
DS Widodo, A Haris, L Suyati, SP Hadi, DP Sasongko, TR Suprobowati IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 509 (1), 012045 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/509/1/012045 |
18 | Synthesis of Polyeugenoxy Acetyl Thiophene Methanolate as a New Selective Carrier
MC Djunaidi, RA Lusiana, DS Widodo, TW Utami IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 509 (1), 012068 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/509/1/012068/meta |
19 | Studying Impact of Citric Acid-Bismuth Nitrate Pentahydrate Ratio on Photocatalytic Activity of Bismuth Oxide Prepared by Solution Combustion Method
Y Astuti, A Fauziyah, H Widiyandari, D Widodo Rasayan J. Chem. 12, 2210-2217 |
20 | Removal of Methylene Blue Using Used Paper Powder
G Gunawan, MC Djunaidi, A. Haris, DS Widodo Jurnal Kimia, Sains dan Aplikasi 22 (1), 23-28 |
21 | Grafting of Heparin on Blend Membrane of Citric Acid Crosslinked Chitosan/Polyethylene Glycol-Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA-PEG)
RA Lusiana, GA Pambudi, FN Sari, DS Widodo, K Khabibi, S Isdadiyanto Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 19 (1), 151-159 |
22 | Effect of potentials and electric charges for copper and indium depositions to the photocurrent responses of CuInS2 thin films fabricated by stack electrodeposition followed by sulfurization
A Haris, H Widiyandari, DS Widodo IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 349 (1), 012074 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/349/1/012074/meta |
23 | Electrosynthesis of α-Fe2O3 in a Fe(s)|KCl (aq)||H2O(aq)| C(s) System
N Siskawati, DS Widodo, WH Rahmanto, L Suyati Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 21 (4), 182-186 |
24 | Decolorization of Remazol Black B Solution by PbO2 Modified Fenton Method in a Scaled Up Reactor
MA Hasibuan, DS Widodo, RA Lusiana Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 21 (2), 59-63 |
25 | The Effect of KMnO4 and K3[Fe(CN)6] Concentrations on Electrical Production in Fuel Cell Microbial System with Lactobacillus bulgaricus Bacteria in a Tofu Whey Substart
I Muftiana, L Suyati, DS Widodo Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 21 (1), 49-53 |
26 | Investigation of Cu2SnSe3 preparation by simultaneous electrodeposition as precursor of Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin film solar cell
Gunawan, A Haris, DS Widodo, W Septina, S Ikeda AIP Conference Proceedings 1868 (1), 020005 |
27 | Effect of Current Density on Nano-Hydroxyapatite Synthesis from Chicken Eggshell Using Electrochemical Method with Constant Direct Current (CDC)
AM Samsudin, N Iskandar, DS Widodo, HN Ulya, MA Auladi Advanced Science Letters 23 (6), 5736-5738 |
28 | Elektrodekolorisasi Limbah Cair Zat Warna Batik di Kota Solo dengan Elektroda PbO2/Cu
I Triavia, DS Widodo, A Haris Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 19 (1), 11-14 |
29 | Pengaruh Buffer Kalium Fosfat dan Natrium Fosfat terhadap Produksi Listrik dalam Sistem Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) dengan Lactobacillus bulgaricus pada Whey Tahu
D Sari, L Suyati, DS Widodo Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 19 (3), 107-110 |
30 | Peran adsorben selulosa tongkol jagung (zea mays) dengan polivinil alkohol (PVA) untuk penyerapan ion logam timbal (Pb2+)
D Martina, R Hastuti, DS Widodo Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 19 (3), 77-82 |
Professional organization
2015-present, Indonesian Chemical Society