Didik Setiyo Widodo, S.Si, M.Si

Didik Setiyo Widodo

S.Si, M.Si.

Expert Assistant

Google Scholar
ID Scopus: 57195404137



Universitas Gadjah Mada, 1989-1997



Universitas Gadjah Mada, 1997-2002


Research Projects

No Research Projects Year Budget (Rp.) Source of Funds
1 Elektrokoagulasi Ion Logam dari Limbah Artifisial pada Elektroda Al dan Fe: Teknik Recovery Ion Pb2+ Sebagai Upaya Pemanfatan Kembali Limbah yang Mengandung Ion Logam Berat 2020 30.000.000
2 Sintesis PbO2 sebagai Kajian Penggunaan Kembali  Material Modifier Metode Fenton untuk Destruksi Remazol Black B 2019 20.000.000
3 Electrosynthesis of Al(OH)3 by Al(s)|KCl(aq)||KCl(s)|C(s) system 2018 20.000.000
4 Sintesis  Elektroda Nanopartikel Fotokatalis TiO2 Termodifikasi Doping Sulfur dan Tembaga serta Aplikasinya pada Pengolahan Limbah Organik  dan Logam Berat Secara Simultan Menggunakan Energi  Matahari (2nd Year) 2018 45.000.000
5 Elektrodekolorisasi Limbah Artifisial Batik melalui Pembangkitan Spesies Reaktif  Klorin dalam Reaktor yang Efisien 2017 20.000.000

Pemanfaatan Whey Tahu menjadi Energi Listrik melalui Microbial Fuel Cell

Konversi Limbah Batik untuk Penyediaan Energi Sistem Sel Galvani

2017 20.000.000
7 Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Nano-Hidroksiapatit dari Cangkang Telur Ayam dengan Metode Elektrokimia secara Constant Direct Current (CDC) 2016 14.400.000



1 Fe (III) adsorption using Fe (III) ionic imprinted polymer from polyeugenoxy acetate crosslinked with ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA)

MC Djunaidi, AQ Aini, DS Widodo, RA Lusiana, A Suseno

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1943 (1), 012167


2 Synthesis of Cu2O from modified Fehling reaction for the preparation of Cu2O thin film photocathode by using the spin coating method, characterization, and its photoelectrochemical properties

RA Lusiana, A Haris, DS Widodo

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1943 (1), 012179


3 Synthesis of polysulfone and nitrated polyeugenol based flat imprinted membrane for selective adsorption of gold

MC Djunaidi, SA Kusumaningtyas, DS Widodo, A Harris

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1918 (3), 032007


4 Pemisahan Logam Perak Dalam Limbah Cair Menggunakan Membran Cair Emulsi (ELM) Dengan Senyawa Pembawa Sinergi D2EHPA

MC Djunaidi, DS Hadikawuryan, DS Widodo, ND Maharani

Greensphere: Journal of Environmental Chemistry 1 (1), 25-30


5 Pengaruh Asam Askorbat Pada Pembuatan Cu2O Dan Aplikasinya Sebagai Lapis Tipis untuk Pemecahan Air Secara Fotoelektrokimia

KL Rahayu, A Haris, G Gunawan, K Khabibi, DS Widodo

MEDIA BINA ILMIAH 15 (6), 4681-4690


6 Edukasi Pembuatan Hand Sanitizer Berbasis Lidah Buaya pada Masyarakat Desa Harjowinangun, Grobogan

RA Lusiana, DS Widodo, L Suyanti, A Haris

Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (JPKM) TABIKPUN 1 (1), 47-54


7 Sintesis Lapis Tipis Semikonduktor ZnO-CdS/FTO dan Aplikasinya sebagai Fotodegradasi Limbah Cair Methyl Orange

H Krey, A Haris, DS Widodo, K Khabibi

MEDIA BINA ILMIAH 14 (12), 3729-3740


8 The Effect of Leaching Agent on Molecularly Imprinted Membrane Urea Transport Process Based on Polyeugenoxy Acetic Acid

MC Djunaidi, T Wahyuni, RA Lusiana, DS Widodo

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 959 (1), 012023


9 Gold (Au) Selective Adsorption Using Polyeugenol based Ionic Imprinted Polymer with Ethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate Crosslink

MC Djunaidi, NBA Prasetya, DS Widodo, RA Lusiana, Pardoyo

AIP Conference Proceedings 2237 (1), 020057



U Dwijayanti, G Gunawan, DS Widodo, A Haris, L Suyati, RA Lusiana

Analit: Analytical and Environmental Chemistry 5 (1), 1-14


11 Removal of Pb2+ metal ion using electrolysis system of Fe(s)/NaCl(aq), Pb(NO3)2(aq)//H2O(aq)/C(s)

L Suyati, D Efendi, G Gunawan, A Haris, DS Widodo

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 434


12 Ozonation of methylene blue and its fate study using LC-MS/MS

MA Adelin, G Gunawan, M Nur, A Haris, DS Widodo, L Suyati

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1524 (1), 012079


13 Hydrazine And Urea Fueled-Solution Combustion Method For Bi2OSynthesis: Characterization Of Physicochemical Properties And Photocatalytic Activity

Y Astuti, PP Elesta, DS Widodo, H Widiyandari, R Balgis

Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 15 (1), 104-111


14 Effect of Fuels on The Physicochemical Properties and Photocatalytic Activity of Bismuth Oxide, Synthesized Using Solution Combustion Method

Y Astuti, D Amri, DS Widodo, H Widiyandari, R Balgis, T Ogi

International Journal of Technology (IJTech) Vol 11, No 1 (2020)


15 Studi Sifat Fisikokimia Membran Kitosan Termodifikasi Heparin dan Polietilen Glikol (PEG)

RA Lusiana, DP Rusendi, DS Widodo, A Haris, A Suseno, G Gunawan

Analit: Analytical and Environmental Chemistry 4 (2), 1-13


16 Electrosynthesis of Al(OH)3 by Al(s)| KCl(aq)|| KCl(s)| C(s) system

L Suyati, IDF Nur, DS Widodo, WH Rahmanto

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 509 (1), 012066


17 Energy Storage System from Galvanic Cell Using Electrolyte from a Plant as an Alternative Renewable Energy

DS Widodo, A Haris, L Suyati, SP Hadi, DP Sasongko, TR Suprobowati

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 509 (1), 012045


18 Synthesis of Polyeugenoxy Acetyl Thiophene Methanolate as a New Selective Carrier

MC Djunaidi, RA Lusiana, DS Widodo, TW Utami

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 509 (1), 012068


19 Studying Impact of Citric Acid-Bismuth Nitrate Pentahydrate Ratio on Photocatalytic Activity of Bismuth Oxide Prepared by Solution Combustion Method

Y Astuti, A Fauziyah, H Widiyandari, D Widodo

Rasayan J. Chem. 12, 2210-2217


20 Removal of Methylene Blue Using Used Paper Powder

G Gunawan, MC Djunaidi, A. Haris, DS Widodo

Jurnal Kimia, Sains dan Aplikasi 22 (1), 23-28


21 Grafting of Heparin on Blend Membrane of Citric Acid Crosslinked Chitosan/Polyethylene Glycol-Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA-PEG)

RA Lusiana, GA Pambudi, FN Sari, DS Widodo, K Khabibi, S Isdadiyanto

Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 19 (1), 151-159


22 Effect of potentials and electric charges for copper and indium depositions to the photocurrent responses of CuInS2 thin films fabricated by stack electrodeposition followed by sulfurization

A Haris, H Widiyandari, DS Widodo

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 349 (1), 012074


23 Electrosynthesis of α-Fe2O3 in a Fe(s)|KCl (aq)||H2O(aq)| C(s) System

N Siskawati, DS Widodo, WH Rahmanto, L Suyati

Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 21 (4), 182-186


24 Decolorization of Remazol Black B Solution by PbO2 Modified Fenton Method in a Scaled Up Reactor

MA Hasibuan, DS Widodo, RA Lusiana

Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 21 (2), 59-63


25 The Effect of KMnO4 and K3[Fe(CN)6] Concentrations on Electrical Production in Fuel Cell Microbial System with Lactobacillus bulgaricus Bacteria in a Tofu Whey Substart

I Muftiana, L Suyati, DS Widodo

Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 21 (1), 49-53


26 Investigation of Cu2SnSe3 preparation by simultaneous electrodeposition as precursor of Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin film solar cell

Gunawan, A Haris, DS Widodo, W Septina, S Ikeda

AIP Conference Proceedings 1868 (1), 020005


27 Effect of Current Density on Nano-Hydroxyapatite Synthesis from Chicken Eggshell Using Electrochemical Method with Constant Direct Current (CDC)

AM Samsudin, N Iskandar, DS Widodo, HN Ulya, MA Auladi

Advanced Science Letters 23 (6), 5736-5738


28 Elektrodekolorisasi Limbah Cair Zat Warna Batik di Kota Solo dengan Elektroda PbO2/Cu

I Triavia, DS Widodo, A Haris

Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 19 (1), 11-14


29 Pengaruh Buffer Kalium Fosfat dan Natrium Fosfat terhadap Produksi Listrik dalam Sistem Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) dengan Lactobacillus bulgaricus pada Whey Tahu

D Sari, L Suyati, DS Widodo

Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 19 (3), 107-110


30 Peran adsorben selulosa tongkol jagung (zea mays) dengan polivinil alkohol (PVA) untuk penyerapan ion logam timbal (Pb2+)

D Martina, R Hastuti, DS Widodo

Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 19 (3), 77-82





Professional organization

2015-present, Indonesian Chemical Society





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