Natural Materials Chemistry (BA)  


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Course Title: Natural Materials Chemistry (BA)   

MK code: AKM21 454

Credit Weight: 2

Group of Courts: elective

Semester: 5

Prerequisite Course: KO3



Dr. Meiny Suzery, MS,

Dra. Dewi Kusrini, M.Si


Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO)

  Attitude GLO1-(S9) Demonstrate an attitude of responsibility for work in their field of expertise independently.
Knowledge GLO2-(PP1) Mastering the theoretical concepts of structure, properties, changes, kinetics, and energetics of molecules and chemical systems, identification, separation, characterization, transformation, synthesis of micromolecular chemicals, and their application.
General Skills GLO 3 -(KU1) Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of the development or implementation of science and technology that pays attention to and uses humanities values by their field of expertise
GLO 4 -(KU2) Able to demonstrate independent, quality, and measurable performance


Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

CLO-1 can explain the classification & biogenetic origin of secondary metabolite compounds.
CLO-2 can explain the classification of secondary metabolites based on regularity.
CLO-3 can explain several chemical reactions & synthesis of terpenoids, phenylpropanoids, polyketides, flavonoids, and alkaloids
CLO-4 can describe the classification & structural variations of various terpenoids, phenylpropanoids, polyketides, flavonoids, and alkaloids
CLO-5 can explore and design metabolites in living organisms
CLO-6 can explain several organic reactions related to the determination of the structure of terpenoids, phenylpropanoids & polyketides, flavonoids, and alkaloids
CLO-7 can show the role & benefits of several organic compounds from natural ingredients


Course Description

This course studies the origin of natural biological compounds (plants, animals, and microorganisms). It can compare the classification, biosynthetic processes, synthesis, and properties of secondary metabolites (essential oils, triterpenoids, steroids, phenylpropanoids-polyketides, alkaloids, and flavonoids).

Week Expected ability (Sub-CLO) Study Materials/ Learning Materials Learning methods Student Learning Experience Time (minutes) Evaluation
Criteria and Indicators %
1 able to explain (C2) the origin of natural biological compounds and how biomolecules can be a solution to overcome health and environmental problems Definition, the source of natural biological compounds Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Group discussion, formulating the proper meaning of the notion of biomolecules FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

• Accuracy in explaining the relationship of organic molecules in the tissues of living organisms

• Accuracy in explaining the metabolism of biomolecule formation

2 able to define primary & secondary metabolism Inter-molecular and biomolecular interactions Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Task 1: students are asked to look for one of the primary and secondary metabolites in natural ingredients complete with molecular structure FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

• Accuracy of explaining primary metabolism with secondary metabolism

• Accuracy in explaining primary and secondary metabolite products and their functions and uses

3 able to explain the terpenoid group


Molecular Structure, Intermolecular Interaction, Biomolecules Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

group discussion concludes the formation of terpenoids through biosynthetic order FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

• Accuracy in explaining the biosynthesis of terpenoids (mono, seskui, tri, and polyterpenes) 5
4-5 able to explain the process of biosynthesis of terpenoid compounds (essential oils) Molecular structure, the reactivity of compounds, reactions of compounds, interactions between molecules Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

• The accuracy of concluding the process of forming essential oils 10
6-7 able to explain summarizing triterpene and steroid compounds Molecular structure, the reactivity of compounds, reactions of compounds, interactions between molecules

• Steroid biosynthesis

• Biological activity

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

group discussion concludes the formation of triterpenoids/steroids through biosynthetic order

Task 2: students are asked to look for one of the essential oil compounds in natural ingredients, complete with isolation techniques, determination of molecular structures, activity tests

FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

• Accuracy in explaining triterpene/steroid biosynthesis

• Accuracy in designing triterpene/steroid compounds

• Accuracy in explaining the relationship between the structure and reactivity of compounds in physiological functions in the body






Midterm exam Written exam 90 The truth and completeness of the answer to the question
9-10 Describe some organic reactions related to the determination of the structure of polyketides Molecular structure, the reactivity of compounds, reactions of compounds,

intermolecular interactions

• Steroid biosynthesis

• Biological activity

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

group discussion concluded the formation of phenylpropanoid and polyketide through biosynthetic order FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

• Accuracy in describing the goal compound. Polyketides and their properties with people’s reactions related to structural determination 10
11 Describe the classification & biogenetic origin of alkaloids Molecular structure, compound reactions, intermolecular interactions

• Steroid biosynthesis

• Biological activity of steroids

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

• The accuracy of designing the process of alkaloid compounds 5
12 able to explain some chemical reactions & the synthesis of alkaloids Compound Reaction, Intermolecular Interaction / Biomaterial Engineering Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Task 3: students are asked to look for one of the alkaloid compounds in natural materials, complete with isolation techniques, determination of molecular structures, activity tests FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

Accuracy of reaction design: Hofmann & Emde degradation Von Braun reaction and rearrangement Synthesis of several alkaloids 10
13 able to explain the classification & structural variation of various flavonoids Compound Reaction, Intermolecular Interaction/ Biomaterial Engineering Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

• Accuracy in describing the flavonoid group of compounds and their properties in relation to people’s reactions to the determination.


14 able to explain specific reactions & flavonoid synthesis Molecular structure, compound reactions, intermolecular interactions

• Biosynthesis of flavonoids

• Biological activity of flavonoids

• Relationships between structures

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

• Accuracy in designing the process of flavonoid compounds 10
15 able to design the synthesis of flavonoids to increase the bioactivity of biomolecules and the role & benefits of several organic compounds from natural ingredients Molecular structure, compound reactions, intermolecular interactions

• Biosynthesis of flavonoids

• Biological activity of flavonoids

Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Problem Based Learning

Task 4: students are asked to look for one of the flavonoid compounds in natural ingredients, complete with isolation techniques, determination of molecular structures, activity tests FF: 1 x (2 x 50”)

ST + SS: 1 x [(2 x 50”) +

(2 x 60”)]

• Precisely designing biomolecules to enhance the activity 10
16 Final exams Written exam 90 The truth and completeness of the answer to the question
Total Rating 100



  1. Manitto, P., 1992, Biosintesis Produk Alami (terjemahan oleh Dra. Koensoemardiyah, Apt. SU.), IKIP Semarang Press.
  2. Achmad, S.A., 1985, Kimia Organik Bahan Alam, Modul 1 – 3, Dep. P & K Universitas Terbuka
  3. Achmad, S.A., 1985, Kimia Organik Bahan Alam, Modul 4 – 6, Dep. P & K Universitas Terbuka




GLO = Graduate Learning Outcome

CLO = Course Learning Outcomes

FF = Face to Face Learning

ST = Structured tasks

SS = Self Study



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