Pratama Jujur Wibowa
Prof., Drs, M.Si, Ph.D
Google Scholar
ID Scopus: 36988114200
Universitas gajah Mada, 1983-1989
The Equation of State of Liquid
Supervisor: Drs. M. Utoro Yahya, M.Sc and Drs. Djoko Sasmito
Institut Teknologi Bandung, 1996-1999
Genomic Construction of Bacillus sp BAC4 employing pHB 201 vector and E.coli JM101 hos
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Oei Ban Liang (Alm.) and Dr. Enny Ratnaningsih
Universiti Tun Hussein On Malaysia, 2009-2015
Synthesis of Self-assembled Polystyrene Nanospheres/Cadmium Metal Nanoparticles (PSNs/CdMNPs) Composite ThinFilm for Its Application as Adsorbentand Catalyst
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hashim Saim, Prof. Dr. Hadi Nur, and Assoc.Prof. Dr. Mohd. Arif Agam
Research Projects
No | Research Projects | Year | Budget (Rp.) | Source of Funds |
1 | Green Manufacturing dan Karakterisasi Super Adsorben dari Sampah Organik Terfungsionalisasi Bahan Alam untuk Detoksifikasi Kolam Tambak Udang | 2020-2023 | 500.000.000 | DRPM Kemendikbudristek Dikti |
2 | Fungsionalisasi Molekular Kerangka Karbon Hitam Aktif dengan Metoda Adisi Karbonil untuk Pembuatan Matrik Bahan Tekstil Antibakteri | 2019 | 30.000.000 | Sumber Dana Selain APBN Tahun Anggaran 2019 FSM Undip |
3 | Produksi Karbon Hitam Aktif Nanopartikel (KHANPs) dari Sampah Perkotaan, Karakterisasi dan Penerapannya untuk Peningkatan Produktifitas Tanah Pertanian Daerah Tandu | 2018-2020 | 130.000.000 | DRPM Kemenristekdikti |
4 | Pengaruh Waktu dan Konsentrasi Terhadap Adsorpsi Ion Ca(II), Cd(II) dan Cu(II) Pada Zeolit Milling dan Zeolit Milling Aktivasi Kimia | 2018 | 30.000.000 | DIPA FSM Undip Th.2018 |
5 | Green Synthesis and Characteri-zation of Coconut Shell Activated Carbon@SilverTitanium dioxide Bimetallic Nanoparticles Composite for Antibacterial Textile Fabrication | 2016-2017 | 80.000.000 | Skema Riset Publikasi Internasional (RPI) Sumber Dana PNBP DIPA Undip Th. Anggaran 2016 No:1052-37/UN7.5.1/PG/2016 |
6 | Kombinasi Protein Pakan Mikropartikel dan Probiotik (Promik-Pro) terhadap Ketersediaan Asam Amino dan Pertumbuhan Ayam Broiler Organik | 2016-2017 | 90.000.000 | Skema Professorship Sumber Dana PNBP DIPA Undip Th.
Anggaran 2016 No:1052-37/UN7.5.1/PG/2016 |
7 | Melaksanakan Tugas Penelitian Peningkatan Bioaktifitas Ekstrak Laos Merah (Alpina purpurata) Melalui Pembentukan Nanopartikelnya | 2017 | 30.000.000 | Skema Penelitian Madya, dana DIPA FSM Undip th. 2017 |
8 | Pengembangan Bahan Alam dan Bioorganik yang berbasis pada Pemanfaatan Potensi Lokal, Bagian IV | 2016 | 60.000.000 | DIPA Undip 2016 |
9 | Implementasi sistem penyimpanan beras berteknologi ozon (SPBO) dalam gudang kapasistas besar | 2015-2016 | 400.000.000 | Dikti Kemenristek Dikti TA.2015 melalui DIPA No. tanggal 14 November 2014 Revisi 01 tanggal 3 Maret 2015 |
1 | Green Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles Immobilized on Activated Carbon Nanoparticles: Antibacterial Activity Enhancement Study and Its Application on Textiles Fabrics
Pratama Jujur Wibowa, Muhammad Nur, Mukhammad Asy’ari, Wijanarka Wijanarka, Heru Susanto, Heri Sutanto, and Hadi Nur. SCOPUS, Q1, SJR 2020: 0,782; H Indeks: 149; JIF 2020: 4,411; Citescore 2020: 4,7; SNIP 2020: 1,249. |
2 | SEM, XRD and FTIR analyses of both ultrasonic and heat generated activated carbon black microstructures
Pratama Jujur Wibowa, Muhammad Nur, Mukhamad Asy’ari, and Hadi Nur Elsevier-Science Direct, Scopus indexed, Q1, SJR 2018: 0,43. JIF: 1,65 |
3 | Study on the ion-exchange properties of the activated carbon black nanoparticles of ACBNPs20_17 code using sodium hydroxide solution
Pratama Jujur Wibowa, Muhammad Nur, Muhammad Asy’ari, Hadi Nur, Mohd. Arif Agam and Hashim Saim AIP Conference Proceedings 2237, issue 1, 020033 (2020) (11 pages) |
4 | Antibacterial activity of basil oil (Ocimum basilicum L) and basil oil nanoemulsion
Enny Fachriyah, Pratama Jujur Wibowa, and Awaliyah Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1524 (2020) 012060 (12 pages). IOP Publishing |
5 | The influence of high energy milling to the adsorption of Cd(II) and Zn(II) ions on activated zeolite
Pardoyo, Yayuk Astuti, Herinnayah, Suhartana, and Pratama Jujur Wibowa Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1524 (2020) 012060 (12 pages). IOP Publishing |
6 | Synthesis of a Novel Carrier Compound Thiazoethyl Methyl Eugenoxyacetate from Eugenol and its Use in the Bulk Liquid Membrane Technique
Muhammad Cholid Djunaidi, Pratama Jujur Wibowa, and Ratna Hari Murti Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 2018, 18(1) : 121-126 |
7 | Improvement of Bioactivity with Nanoparticles Fabrication: Cytotoxic Test of Ethanol, n-Hexane and Ethyl Acetate Extract from Red Galangel Rhizome (Alpinia Purpurata (Vieill. K.Schum) in Bulk and Nanoparticles size using BSLT Method
Enny Fachriyah, Dewi Kusrini and Pratama Jujur Wibawa Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 2018, 21(1): 39-43 |
8 | Isolation of Alkaloid Compounds from Ethanol Extract of Rimpang Galang Merah (Alpinia Purpurata (Vieill. K.Schum) and Nanoparticles Production from its Alkaloid Extract: Comparative study of Antibacterial Properties on Staphylococcus and Eschericia coli
Vatara Artanta Silalahi, Enny Fachriyah and Pratama Jujur Wibowa Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 2018, 21(1): 1-7 |
9 | Amino acid digestibility of pelleted microparticle protein of fish meal and soybean meal in broiler chickens
Nyoman Suthama and Pratama Jujur Wibowa Journal of Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture, 43(2): 169-176 |
10 | Isolasi, Fabrikasi dan Penentuan Ukuran Nanopartikel Steroid (StrNPs) Ekstrak Lengkuas Merah (Alpinia purpurata K. Schum) dengan Metoda Dynamic Light Scattering
Shelly Wiarsih , Dewi Kusrini, Pratama Jujur Wibowa Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi, Vol 20, No 1 (2017) |
11 | Triterpenoid dan Nanopartikel Ekstrak n-Heksana dari Rimpang Lengkuas Merah (Alpinia purpurata (Vieill.) K. Schum) Serta Uji Sitotoksisitas dengan BSLT
Dian Nopitasari, Enny Fachriyah, Pratama Jujur Wibowa Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi , Vol 20, No 3 (2017) |
12 | Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Analysis and Application for Processing Palm Oil Effluent (POME)
Muhammad Nur, Yovita Asri Amelia, Fajar Arianto, Andi Wibowo Kinandana, Intan Zahar, Ade Ika Susana, and Jujur Pratama Wibowa. Procedia Engineering 170 (2017), p.325−331 (7 pages) |
13 | Evaluation of Novel Integrated Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma as Ozone Generator
Muhammad Nur, Ade Ika Susan, Zaenul Muhlisin, Fajar Arianto, Andi Wibowo Kinandana, Iis Nurhasanah, Sumariyah Sumariyah, Pratama Jujur Wibowa, Gunawan Gunawan, Anwar Usman Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 12(1), 2017, p.24−31 |
Scientific meeting
No | Scientific Meeting | Time and Place |
1 | The 8th International Seminar on New Paradigm and Innovation of Natural Sciences and its Application (ISNPINSA): Science and Applied Science for Sustainable Development Goals” | Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Diponegoro Unicersity, September 26, 2018, Hotel Gets Jl. M.T. Haryono, Semarang |
2 | The 13 Joint Conference on Chemistry (JCC) | Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Santika Hotel, Semarang, 7-8 September 2018 |
3 | 11 th Join Conference on Chemistry in Conjuction with the 4th Regional Biomaterials Scientific Meeting | Universitas Jendral Sudirman, Purwokerto, Indonesia, September 15-16, 2016 |
Community Service
No | Year | Community Service Activities |
1 | 2016 | “Pelatihan Wirausaha Muda Pondok Pesantren Kecamatan Boja Kabupaten Kendal” |
2 | 2016 | “Penerapan Program Komputasi Kimia Berbasis Windows dan Linux dalam Rangka Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelanjaran dan Penguasaan Materi Kimia Para Guru Kimia se Jawa Tengah” |
3 | 2016 | “Pelatihan Pembuatan Detergent Cair di Pandok Pesantren Al-Mabrur Boja Kendal” |
4 | 2016 | “Perbaikan Kemasan Produk Intip Lokal Desa Religi Nyatnyono Kabupaten Semarang” |
5 | 2017 | “Melaksanakan Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat “Perbaikan Kualitas Kemasan Produk Intip Lokal Desa Religi Nyatnyono, Kabupaten Semarang” |
6 | 2017 | “Pelatihan Memilih Produk Pangan Halal dan Thoyyib bagi Santri Pondok Pesantren Al-Mabrur Boja, Kabupaten Kendal” |
7 | 2017 | “Pelatihan Pembelajaran Kimia Berbasis Eksperimen: Sifat-Sifat Logam” |
8 | 2017 | “Pelatihan Pembelajaran Kimia Berbasis Eksperimen : Pembuatan Berbagai Jenis Konsentrasi Larutan dan Penentuan pH” |
9 | 2018 | “Pemberian praktek dan Teori Kimia Kompleks dan KSP bagi Siswa SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Weleri Kendal” |
10 | 2018 | “Pelatihan Adsorpsi Logam Fe(III) Menggunakan Selulosa dan Selulosa Asetat dari Serbuk Gergaji Kayu kepada Siswa SMA Al-Azhar 14 Semarang” |
11 | 2019 | “Pengenalan Metoda Adsorpsi Anion Bikromat dengan Zeolit Alam Termodifikasi Menggunakan HDTMA” |
12 | 2021 | “Pembimbingan dan Pendampingan Olimpiade Sain Nasional (OSN) Kimia SMA tingkat Prop. Jawa Tengah” |
Professional organization
2015-present, Indonesian Chemical Society