Prof. Yayuk Astuti, S.Si, Ph.D

Yayuk Astuti 

Prof., S.Si, Ph.D


Google Scholar
ID Scopus: 57100033100



Universitas Diponegoro, 2001-2005

Isolasi, Identifikasi dan uji Toksisitas senyawa aktif fraksi metilen klorida dari tanaman purwoceng (Pimpinella alpina Molk)

Supervisor: Dr. Meiny Suzery, M.S & Dr. Bambang Cahyono, M.S


The Newcastle University, 2009-2014

Novel Treatments of Nano- and Micro-sized diamond Powders

Supervisor: Dr. Lidija Siller & Dr. Alasdair Charles


Research Projects

No Research Projects Year Budget (Rp.) Source of Funds
1 Sintesis komposit bismut oksida-karbon aktif untuk elektroda baterai 2020 100.000.000 DANA PNBP RISTEK BRIN 2020
2 Development of Method for Synthesis of Bismuth Oxide as Potential Candidate for Visible-light Photocatalyst 2019   71.000.000 DANA selain APBN DPA SUKPA LPPM Universitas Diponegoro 2017/2018
3 Sintesis dan karakterisasi bismut oksida dengan metode solution combustion sebagai fotokatalis untuk degradasi limbah senyawa organik 2019 150.000.000 DANA BOPTN 2018
4 Development of Method for Synthesis of Bismuth Oxide as Potential Candidate for Visible-light Photocatalyst 2018   70.000.000 DANA selain APBN DPA SUKPA LPPM Universitas Diponegoro 2017/2018
5 Sintesis dan karakterisasi bismut oksida dengan metode solution combustion sebagai fotokatalis untuk degradasi limbah senyawa organik 2018 130.000.000 DANA BOPTN 2018
6 Sintesis dan karakterisasi bismut oksida menggunakan metode sol gel serta uji aktivitas fotokatalisnya 2017   20.000.000 DANA DIPA FSM UNDIP 2017
7 Sintesis membran silika termodifikasi alkiltriethoksisilan untuk desalinasi air laut 2017 (Lanjutan)   85.000.000 DANA BOPTN 2017
8 Sintesis membran silika termodifikasi alkiltriethoksisilan untuk desalinasi air laut 2016   85.000.000 DANA BOPTN 2016
9 Pengaruh agen pengendap terhadap morfologi partikel dan sifat fotokatalitik bismuth oksida pada sintesisnya menggunakan metode presipitasi berbahan dasar bismuth pentahidrat (Bi(NO3)3.5H2O) 2016 (lanjutan)   10.500.000 DANA DIPA FSM UNDIP 2016
10 Sintesis surfactant modified active carbon (SMAC) berbahan sekam padi sebagai adsorben limbah logam berat 2016   50.000.000 DANA BOPTN 2016
11 Nickel Impregnated Silica Membrane; synthesis and application for Sea Water Purification 2016 80.000.000 DANA PNBP UNDIP 2016
12 Studi pengaruh modifikasi permukaan nanodiamond terhadap kemampuan nanodiamond dalam pemuatan (loading) dan pelepasan (release) obat 2016 60.000.000 DANA BOPTN 2016
13 Nickel Impregnated Silica Membrane; synthesis and application for Sea Water Purification 2015 80.000.000 DANA PNBP UNDIP 2015
14 Pengaruh agen pengendap terhadap morfologi partikel bismuth oksida pada sintesis dengan metode presipitasi 2015   9.000.000 DANA DIPA FSM UNDIP 2015
15 Studi pengaruh modifikasi permukaan nanodiamond terhadap kemampuan nanodiamond dalam pemuatan (loading) dan pelepasan (release) obat 2015  60.000.000 SIMLITABMAS DIKTI nomor kontrak : 140-23/UN7.5.1/PG/2015



1 Structural and spectroscopic study of Fe-doped TiO2 nanoparticles prepared by sol-gel method.

N. Nasralla, M. Yeganeh, Y. Astuti, S. Piticharoenphun, N. Shahtahmasebi, A. Kompany, M. Karimipour, B.G. Mendis, N.R.J. Poolton, L. Šiller

Scientia Iranica 20 (2013), 1018-1022

2 Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopic study of 1-undecene functionalised nanodiamonds

Y. Astuti, N. R. J. Poolton, L. Šiller

Journal of K-Theory 1597, (2013)


3 Alignment of 1-Undecene Functionalised Nanodiamonds

Y. AstutiN. PooltonY. ButenkoL. Šiller

Journal of Luminescence 156 (2014) 41–48

4 Structural evolution of nickel oxide silica sol-gel for the preparation of interlayer-free membranes

A Darmawan, L Karlina, Y Astuti, Sriatun, J Motuzas, D K.Wang, J C. Diniz da Costa

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 447 (2016) 9-15


5 Pengaruh CoO dan TiO2 terhadap warna glasir porselen ZnO

V N Rafika Putri,  N Latifah,  Y Astuti

Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 20 (2): 95-98 ISSN: 1410-8917

6 Pengaruh Variasi Waktu Hidrotermal terhadap Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Nanokristal Zeolit A dari Abu Sekam Padi

P Hanipa,  P Pardoyo,  T Taslimah,  A Arnelli,  Y Astuti

Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 20 (2): 79-83, ISSN: 1410-8917

7 Sintesis Zeolit dari Abu Sekam Padi menggunakan Metode Hidrotemal :Variasi Waktu dan Temperatur

A Arnelli,  F Solichah,  A Alfiansyah,  A Suseno,  Y Astuti

Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 20 (2): 58-61 ISSN: 1410-8917

8 The Influence of Precipitating Agents on The Morphological and Photocatalytic Properties of Bismuth Oxide

Y Astuti; R Andianingrum,  D A Wulansari, Pardoyo, Arnelli,  A Haris

Advanced Science Letter , 23 (7), 2017, pp. 6521-6523 (EISSN: 1936-7317 (Online), 2017 

9 Nano-zeolite Modification using Cetylpiridinium Bromide for the Removal of Remazol Black B and Remazol Yellow G Dyes

M. A Ghifari; A Nuraini;  D Permatasari;  N Kamila;  T Imanullah; Y Astuti

Advanced Science Letter, 23 (7), 2017, pp. 6502-6505 (EISSN: 1936-7317 (Online), 2017

10 Studying Impact of Different Precipitating Agents on Crystal Structure, Morphology, and Photocatalytic Activity of Bismuth Oxide

Y Astuti,  A Arnelli,  P Pardoyo,  A Fauziyah,  S Nurhayati,  A D Wulansari,  R Andianingrum,  H Widiyandari,  G A. Bhaduri

Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 12 (3), 2017, pp. 478-484


11 Hydrophobicity of silica thin films: The deconvolution and interpretation by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy

R E Saputra, Y Astuti, A Darmawan

Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 199 (2018) 12-20 ISSN: 1386-1425 

12 Systematic study of electronic properties of Fe-doped TiO2 nanoparticles by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy

S N. H. S. Nasralla, M Yeganeh, Y Astuti, S Piticharoenphun, L Šiller

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 29(20), pp.17956-17966. ISSN: 0957-4522 (Print) 1573-482X

13 Synthesis of Zeolite from Bagasse and Rice Husk Ashes as Surfactant Builder on Detergency Process: Variation of NaOH Concentration for Silica Isolation

A Arnelli ,  B Y Fathoni,  T I Prastyo,  A Suseno,  Y Astuti

Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 21 (3): 139-143 ISSN: 1410-8917 e-ISSN: 2597-9914

14 Synthesis of Zeolite from Sugar Cane as Detergent Builder: Variation of Si/Al Ratio and Hydrothermal Time

A Arnelli,  N Afifah,  N Rizki,  T Windarti,  Y Astuti

Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 21 (1): 24-28 ISSN: 1410-8917 e-ISSN: 2597-9914

15 Utilization and Characterization of Oyster Shell as Chitosan and Nanochitosan

L Handayani,  F Syahputra,  Y Astuti

Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 21 (4): 224-231 ISSN: 1410-8917 e-ISSN: 2597-9914

16 Zeolite and Charcoal as Potential Adsorbents in Tubs of Oxydation Ditch I and Oxydation Ditch II at Water Treatment and Composting Plant (WTCP) PT. Djarum Kudus

R Kharismawati,  R J Prasetyo,  Y Astuti

Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 21 (2): 75-79 ISSN: 1410-8917 e-ISSN: 2597-9914

17 Synthesis, characterization and selectivity of molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) glucose using polyeugenol as a functional polymer

M. C. Djunaidi, Y Astuti

Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 12(2), 809-821 ISSN: 0974-1496 e-ISSN: 0976-0083

18 The Effect of Ratio LiBOB:TiO2 of Electrolyte Polymer Sheets as separators on the Electrochemical Performance of LTO-Based Lithium-Ion Batteries

A P Saputry, T Lestariningsih, Y Astuti

Jurnal Kimia dan Sains Aplikasi 22(4): 136-142 ISSN: 1410-8917 e-ISSN: 2597-9914

19 Studying impact of citric acid-bismuth nitrate pentahydrate ratio on photocatalytic activity of bismuth oxide prepared by solution combustion method

Y. Astuti, A. Fauziyah, H. Widiyandari, D. S. Widodo

Rasayan J. Chem 12 (4): 2210-2217 ISSN: 0974-1496 e-ISSN: 0976-0083

20 Adsorption of HDTMA-Br Surfactant with Concentration Variation by Rice Husk-Based Activated Carbon Produced by Variation of Carbonization Temperature

G. N. R. Pargiman,  A Arnelli,  Y Astuti

Jurnal Kimia Sians dan Aplikasi 21 (4) : 171-174 ISSN: 1410-8917 e-ISSN: 2597-9914

21 Hydrazine and Urea Fueled-Solution Combustion Method for Bi2O3 Synthesis: Characterization of Physicochemical Properties and Photocatalytic Activity

Y Astuti,  P. P. Elesta,  D. S. Widodo,  H Widiyandari,  R Balgis

Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis ISSN: 09741496


22 Effect of Fuels on the Physicochemical Properties and Photocatalytic Activity of Bismuth Oxide, Synthesized using Solution Combustion Method

Y Astuti, D Amri, D. S. Widodo, H Widiyandari, R Balgis, T Ogi

International Journal of Technology Volume 11 No. 1: pp. 26 -36


23 The Role of H2C2O4 and Na2CO3 as Precipitating Agents on The Physichochemical Properties and Photocatalytic Activity of Bismuth Oxide

Y AstutiR AndianingrumArnelliA Haris, A Darmawan

Open Chemistry, volume 18 no 1: pp. 129-137

24 Statistical Approaching for Superhydrophobic Coating Preparation using Silica Derived from Geothermal Solid Waste

S. Silviana*, Adi Darmawan, Agus Subagio, Febio Dalanta

ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering (AJChE), Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, page: 91-99

25 Bismuth Oxide Prepared by Sol-Gel Method: Variation of Physicochemical Characteristics and Photocatalytic Activity Due to Difference in Calcination Temperature

Y Astuti, B M. Listyani, L Suyati, A Darmawan

Indonesian Journal of Chemistry Vol 21. No. 1 p. 108-117 ISSN 14119420


Scientific meeting

No Scientific Meeting Time and Place
1 2013 JSAP-MRS joint symposia Kyoto, Japan, 16th-20th September 2013
2 AIP International Conference of Chemical and Material Engineering(ICCME) 2015 Semarang Indonesia, September 29 to 30, 2015
3 10th Joint Conference on Chemistry Solo, Indonesia, September 8to 9, 2015
4 Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on New Paradigm and Innovation on Natural Sciences and Its Application (5th ISNPINSA) UNDIP 2016 Semarang, Indonesia, October 7to 8, 2015
5 The 11th Joint Conference on Chemistry (JCC-11) Purwokerto, Indonesia, September 15 to 16, 2016
6 5th International Seminar on New Paradigm and Innovation on Natural Sciences and Its Application (5th ISNPINSA) Semarang, Indonesia, October 7 to 8, 2015
7 11th Joint Conference on Chemistry in Conjunction with the 4th Regional Biomaterials Scientific Meeting Purwokerto, Indonesia, September 15 to 16, 2016
8 The 12th Joint Conference on Chemistry Semarang, Indonesia, September 19 to 20, 2014
9 International Conference on Chemistry and Material Science (IC2MS) 2017 Malang, Indonesia, November 4 to 5, 2017
10 2nd International Conference On Chemistry, Chemical Process And Engineering (IC3PE) Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 14-15 August 2018
11 The 13th Joint Conference on Chemistry (13th JCC) Semarang, Indonesia, September 7 – 8, 2018


Community Service

No Year Community Service Activities
1 2020 Pembuatan hand sanitizer dalam upaya pencegahan terkena covid-19
2 2020 Pemanfaatan karbon sebagai aditif pembuatan sabun cuci piring charcoal
3 2019 Pentingnya menjaga kebersihan badan dan pelatihan pembuatan sabun cuci tangan bagi anak-anak di SD Bulusan
4 2019 Penyuluhan Makanan Sehat dan Bahan Tambahan Pangan bagi Anak Sekolah
5 2018 Pelatihan Komputasi Kimia bagi Mahasiswa Kimia se-Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (JATENG & DIY) “Branch Out Chemistry with Computation
6 2018 Pengolahan Sampah/Limbah Rumah Tangga Menjadi Bahan Bernilai Ekonomi
7 2018 Pelatihan Pembuatan Bawang Hitam
8 2018 Pelatihan Pembuatan Kertas Daur Ulang dari Limbah Kertas bagi Ibu-Ibu PKK RT 02/RW 02, Kelurahan Bulusan, Kecamatan Tembalang, Kodya Semarang
9 2017 Peningkatan penguasaan ilmu kimia bagi mahasiswa kimia UKSW melalui pelatihan kimia komputasi berbasis LINUX
10 2017 Pelatihan pembuatan cairan pembersih keramik bagi ibu-ibu PKK Puri Asri Perdana RT 02 RW 16 Banyumanik Semarang
11 2016 Penerapan program komputasi kimia berbasis windows dan linux untuk peningkatan kualitas penguasaan materi kimia bagi guru-guru kimia se Jawa Tengah
12 2015 Pelatihan pembuatan sabun cuci piring bagi ibu-ibu PKK Bukit Kencana Tembalang Semarang
13 2015 Penguatan kompetensi guru SMK se Jawa Tengah melalui pelatihan penulisan karya ilmiah yang berkualitas
14 2015 Pelatihan pembuatan mi labu kuning bagi ibu-ibu PKK RT 02 RW 02 Bulusan Tembalang Semarang
15 2014 Pengembangan kompetensi pembelajaran ilmu kimia pada guru SMA Se-Jawa Tengah melalui komputer, simulasi dan animasi jurusan kimia FSM Undip
16 2014 Pelatihan pembuatan hand sanitizer alami
17 2014 Pelatihan pembuatan saus tomat bagi ibu-ibu PKK Puri asri perdana RT 02 RW 16 Banyumanik Semarang
18 2009 Pelatihan Pembuatan Nata de Coco Bagi Masyarakat Tembalang Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan
19 2009 Pelatihan pengolahan dan penyajian produk makanan dan minuman dari nata de coco bagi masyarakat Tembalang



Professional organization

2015-present, Indonesian Chemical Society



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