Alumni Talk Series “Scholarship Hunters”

Alumni Talk Series “Scholarship Hunters”

Inviting all Lecturers, Alumni and Chemistry Students – Diponegoro University on the Alumni Talk agenda organized by the Chemistry Department – ​​Diponegoro University. This fourth Alumni Talk agenda presents: 1. Mbak Nurmanita Rismaningsih (Chemistry Alumni Class of...
InterMolecular Chemistry (IMC) Meeting – Series 1

InterMolecular Chemistry (IMC) Meeting – Series 1

Intermolecular Chemistry (IMC) Group held the InterMolecular Chemistry (IMC) Meeting – Series 1 which will be held on Day/date: Friday, February 18, 2022 Hours: 15.00 WIB Venue: Microsoft Teams Meeting: (Code: j47ckmq) We invite Mr / Ms and students to be able to...
Welcoming New Students

Welcoming New Students

The series of 2021 Chemistry New Student Admission (PMB) activities will be held from 16 August 2021-21 August 2021 online using zoom. Starting with the opening by the Dean of FSM, Prof. Dr. Widowati, M.Si to all new students in the Faculty of Science and Mathematics,...
Agenda Kimia Berdialog

Agenda Kimia Berdialog

Agenda Kimia Berdialog antara Departemen Kimia dan Himpunan Mahasiswa Kimia Undip telah terlaksana pada Hari Senin, 09 Agustus 2021 pukul 09.00-12.00 WIB. Kegiatan tersebut dihadir sekitar 120 orang yang terdiri dari dosen dan mahasiswa kimia berbagai angkatan. Kimia...


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