Achievements of Chemistry Students, FSM, Undip
These are the achievements of Chemistry Students, FSM Undip, who won competitions in various fields: Event World Young International Exhibition (WYIE) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Achievement: Gold Medal Year: 2018 World Invention Technology Expo Achievement: Gold medal...
Microsoft Team Workshop by Chemistry Department
Semarang (12/2) Department of Chemistry held a “Microsoft Team Workshop” at the Acynthia Prasadha building, 5th floor computer laboratory rooms. The training began with remarks by Dr. Dwi Hudiyanti, M.Sc as the Head of the Chemistry Department, then opened by the vice...
Focused Group Discussion “Penguatan Peran Alumni dalam Rangka Menyongsong Asesmen ASEAN University Network Quality Asurance (AUN-QA) guna Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Departemen Kimia FSM UNDIP”
Semarang (5/7) Focused Group Discussion under the theme ““The role of Alumni in anticipating the assessment of ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) to Enhance the Education Quality of the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Mathematics,...
Students’ Self-motivation in exploring ang optimizing skills in anticipation of Global Competition in Industrial Era 4.0
Semarang (5/7), A talk show under the theme “Students’ Self-motivation in exploring ang optimizing skills in anticipation of Global Competition in Industrial Era 4.0” had been held in a conference room in the third floor of Dean Bulding of the Faculty of Science and...