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Course Title: English   

MK code: UUW00007

Credit Weight: 2

Group of Courts: Compulsory

Semester: 1

Prerequisite Course: No requirement    



Dra. Dewi Murni, M.A


Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)

Able to compile ideas, thoughts, and scientific arguments responsibly and based on academic ethics and communicate to the academic community and the broader community through the media.


Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

  1. Students can apply (C3) the intermediate reading method in the use of English in daily life by using
  2. Able to implement (C3) writing and reading techniques to improve the ability to read English texts


Course Description

This course teaches about reading techniques and other English language materials to gain skills and expertise in English.

Week Expected ability (Sub-CLO) Study Materials/ Learning Materials Learning methods Student Learning Experience Time (minutes) Evaluation
Criteria and Indicators %
1 Students can explain (C2) the scope of Intermediate Reading without opening notes at least 70% correct. Scope, intermediate, and reading Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

Students listen, write, and ask questions about the material given. FF: (2 x 50”)

ST: (2 X 50”)

SS: (2 X 50)

An accurate understanding of intermediate reading methods and techniques.
2-3 Students can apply (C3) and carry out (A2) scanning techniques at least 70% correct. Explanation of scanning and scanning techniques Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

1. Students listen, write, and ask questions about the material given.

2. Students discuss and carry out scanning of English texts.

FF: (2 x 50”)

ST: (2 X 50”)

SS: (2 X 50)

1. Accuracy in explaining the scanning process and its techniques and applying it in English text. 15
4-6 Students can apply (C3) and carry out (A2) skimming techniques at least 70% correct. Explanation of skimming and skimming techniques. Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

1. Students listen, write, and ask questions about the material given.

2. Students discuss and carry out skimming of English texts.

3. Students discuss and conclude the task of skimming English texts in groups

FF: (2 x 50”)

ST: (2 X 50”)

SS: (2 X 50)

1. Accuracy in explaining the skimming process and its techniques and applying it in English text. 15
7 Students can use the (C3) dictionary correctly by practicing (A2) dictionaries to find difficult words quickly and accurately, at least 80% correct. Explanation of the correct use of the dictionary and the practice of using the dictionary. Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

1. Students listen, write, and ask questions about the material given.

2. Students practice the use of dictionaries quickly and precisely.

FF: (2 x 50”)

ST: (2 X 50”)

SS: (2 X 50)

1. The accuracy of applying the correct use of the dictionary.

2. The accuracy of finding difficult words in the dictionary.




Mid-term exam Written exam 90 The truth and completeness of the answer to the question Written exam
9 Students can apply (C3) and practice (A2)

the use of inference in English text is at least 70% correct.

Explanation and understanding of inference, explanation of how to find inference, and use of inference in English text Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

1. Students listen, write, and ask questions about the material given.

2. Students discuss, find and apply the use of inference in English texts.

FF: (2 x 50”)

ST: (2 X 50”)

SS: (2 X 50)

1. Accuracy in explaining and looking for inference in English text.

2. Accuracy in explaining and applying the use of inference in English text.

10-12 Students can discuss (A2) and describe (C2) main ideas in English text that are at least 80% correct. . Explanation of the definition of the main idea and explain how to find the main idea in the English text. Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

1. Students listen, write, and ask questions about the material given.

2. Students discuss and look for main ideas in English texts.

3. Students look for information about central ideas in various English texts and use this information to solve exercises that the lecturer has designed.

FF: (2 x 50”)

ST: (2 X 50”)

SS: (2 X 50)

1. The accuracy of understanding the main idea in the English text.

2. The accuracy of knowing and describing the main idea in an English text.

13-15 Students can apply (C3) reading techniques by repeating (P1) and practicing (A2) the outlines of reading techniques that have been discussed in the previous meeting at least 80% correct. Review and practice reading techniques. Discovery learning

Cooperative learning

1. Students discuss and practice reading techniques to solve the exercises that the lecturer has designed. FF: (2 x 50”)

ST: (2 X 50”)

SS: (2 X 50)

1. Accuracy of understanding reading techniques in English texts.

2. The accuracy of applying reading techniques in understanding English texts.

16 Final Exam Written exam 90 The truth and completeness of the answer to the question Written exam 90



  1. Ackert, Patricia.1987. “Cause and Effect”: Intermediate reading Practice. Singapore: Harper & Row Publisher.
  2. Allen, Virgina French. 1983. “A Progressive Reader”: Book 1. Washington DC: English Teaching Division Educational and Cultural Affairs United States Information Agency.
  3. Lucas, Michael. 1981, “English in Fact”. London : Heinnemann Educational Books Ltd.
  4. Mikulecky, Beatrice C. 1986. “Reading Power. Boston”: Addison Wesley Publishing Co.
  5. Mosback, Gerald Et al. 1986. “Practical Faster Reading”. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
  6. Walter, Chaterine.1986. “Genuine Articles”. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
  7. Walter, Chaterine.1986. “Authentic Reading”. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.



GLO = Graduate Learning Outcome

CLO = Course Learning Outcomes

FF = Face to Face Learning

ST = Structured tasks

SS = Self Study



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